上海武田机电有限公司专业代理销售FRAMO MORAT齿轮,FRAMO驱动器,FRAMO蜗轮蜗杆 ,产品型号齐全,价格从优,欢迎来电咨询!
德国Framo morat至今已有150年的历史,Framo Morat是为许多行业提供高品质的驱动解决方案.主要产品有减速器,驱动器,齿轮及涡轮等
Driving motion from energy for 150 years Framo develops and realizes drive ideas from spur gears over planetary gears and worm gears, up to complete gear motors. We are from research & development, prototyping & testing, up to assembling and serial manufacturing your reliable partner in drive technology.
Framo Morat - The Company Your Idea - Our Drive: since more than 145 Years Since Johann Morat started the firm in 1863 in Eisenbach, the drive- and gear-technology has been refined continuously.