Also available are exclusive Sheet Polarizers made to specific dimensions, shapes, and wavelengths.
These products are produced in an integrated Sigma Koki production line, from polishing of raw materials to thin-film coating by deposition.
When no external tolerances are specified, Sigma Koki's standard tolerances apply.
Be sure to wear laser safety goggles when checking optical path and adjusting optical axis.
Custom Sheet Polarizers
起偏器 共有 14 个产品
名称: 订做偏光片
名称: 订做偏光激光分光镜
名称: WPQ 水晶波长板
名称: WPQG 空气隙型波长板
名称: DEQ 石英退偏器
名称: PBSHP 强激光用偏光立方体分光器
名称: PBSW 超宽带偏光立方体分光器
名称: PBS 偏光立方体分光器
名称: PBS 偏光平板分光镜
名称: USP 塑料薄膜偏光板
名称: SPFN 近红外偏光板
名称: SPF 高分子薄膜偏光板
名称: NSPFU 紫外偏光板
名称: PLC 偏光片