• 接通电源(合上空气开关)• 接通電源(合上空氣開關)
• 启动水泵• 啟動水泵
• 启动所有磨轮,观察磨轮运转是否正常• 啟動所有磨輪,觀察磨輪運轉是否正常
• 启动主传动正转• 啟動主傳動正轉
• 将玻璃置于输入端导轨上,开始削磨• 將玻璃置於輸入端導軌上,開始削磨
• 调试和使用时注意安全,机器启动时不要触及运动部位、带电部位• 調試和使用時注意安全,機器啟動時不要觸及運動部位、帶電部位
• 工具及其它物件不要放在输送导轨与罩上• 工具及其它物件不要放在輸送導軌與罩上
• 有紧急情况,立即按下“急停”按钮或拉下空气开关;• 有緊急情況,立即按下“急停”按鈕或拉下空氣開關;
• 随时注意磨削情况:磨轮减小磨削量及时进行补偿• 隨時注意磨削情況:磨輪減小磨削量及時進行補償
• 随时保持水箱的冷却水量充足、水质清洁,以免烧损磨轮和玻璃,并及时清理进出水管路的磨削杂质,保持水路畅通• 隨時保持水箱的冷卻水量充足、水質清潔,以免燒損磨輪和玻璃,並及時清理進出水管路的磨削雜質,保持水路暢通
• 每班磨削工作前应检查所有行程开关工作是否正常、控制方向是否正确,如不正确、控制方向不对,应立即停机检查,否则机器会有致命的损坏• 每班磨削工作前應檢查所有行程開關工作是否正常、控制方向是否正確,如不正確、控制方向不對,應立即停機檢查,否則機器會有致命的損壞
• 电机温度:小于等于环境温度+50℃• 電機溫度:小於等於環境溫度+50℃
Model BL877D Horizontal Straight Circular Edge Glass Grinding Machine is developed by customers’ new requirements. Its nip&transmission parts and up parts all use timing belts reducing glass grinding broken rate and scratch rate. Grinding parts choose composition type wheels and polishing wheels which can be adjusted up and down, right and left. .Rough and fine grinding, polishing will be finished at one time. Its smallest width is 25mm, the smallest thickness is 1mm. It is the highest precision rounding glass grinding machine in the international market.
Using for: ●Grinding round edge of arts and crafts glass which thickness is 1-30mm, mini width is 25mm with good polishing;
●Grinding round edge of decoration and furniture glass;
●Grinding edge of electric and meter panel with higher precision.
Attention: ●When we are debugging and using machine,pay attention to safety,when the machine movement,do not touch movement and electric parts.
●Do not put tools and other items on the transportation guide.
●An emergency,press “Suddenly”botton or pull air switch.
●To follow grinding:grinding reduced,the adjustment grinding wheels in order to compensation.
●Keep the full cooling water in the cooling box and clean water.
●Before each grinding should inspect all work whether normal,control the direction whether corrent.If incorrent,wrong direction control,should be immediately close the machine and inspection,otherwise they will be damaged the machine.
●Electrical temperature:less than or equal to degrees Celsius ambient temperature
型号及參數(Unit) Model and Technical Date | 單位(Unit) | BL877D |
输入电压/频率 Input voltage/frequency | V/HZ | ~380/50 |
总装机功率 Power | kw | 9.37 |
可加工厚度 Process the glass thickness | mm | 1-30 |
可加工最小宽度 Regarding minimum width | mm | 25 |
外型尺寸 Measurement | mm | 3000×1400×1200 |