简介:厚度为0.012(可订制在0.007-0.050mm之间),可根据客户的需求来压纹及印色。产品采用环保印刷材料,符合国内国际卫生质量标准,可用作食品类包装,高档礼品包装,特别适用于巧克力糖果类包装。优点: 1、无异味,无毒或褪色,良好的细胞分离,防漏,防腐蚀,保质期长 2、材料是铝箔,可以回收利用,保护环境 3、定制订单。本公司供应各类糖果包装,其中以巧克力包装最出色,公司本着安全卫生原则,采用环保原材料,设计研发糖果包装。公司供应各种尺寸包装,色彩丰富,图案新颖美观,现有各种迪斯尼卡通图案包装,广受好评,公司还可根据客户具体要求进行定制,欢迎广大客户咨询选购。 Chocolate aluminum foil Description: thickness 0.012 (0.007-0.050mm )can be ordered in between), according to customer's needs embossed and printed color. Printed materials using environmentally friendly products to meet domestic and international health quality standards, can be used as food packaging, high-grade gift packaging, especially for chocolate confectionery packaging. Advantages: 1, no odor, non-toxic or fade, good cell separation, leak-proof, anti-corrosion, long shelf life 2, material is aluminum foil can be recycled and protect the environment 3, custom orders The company supplies all kinds of candy packaging. The chocolate packaging is the most outstanding. Our company use environmentally friendly raw materials to design and development candy packaging. Company supplies all kinds of packaging size, rich colors, beautiful new design, The existing packaging images is various of Disney cartoons and be customized. Company can also be customized according to customer specific requirements. What's more, we have reasonable price and welcome consultation.