正版现货颜色:黑色 红色 白色 黄色 蓝色

How to Use |
Open the backplate and you will find the charging cord inside. | Simply plug it into your iPhone! | When you get a phone call just pick up the phone! | Press the button on the back of the handset to talk. |
Please Note It can be tricky to plug into your phone, so make sure the charging cord is plugged all the way into your iPhone. You cannot talk and hang up your phone calls by simply picking up the phone, you must use the button on the handset. When you wish to talk hands-free, just push the button without picking up the phone. Phone is very small.
 | Stylish Classic Phone Stand The phone stand has legs you can pull out so you can prop your iPhone stand up! Comes in 5 different colors, so you can get the color to match your style!
| Makes a great gift for any iPhone user!! You can use it as a charger stand, when you get a phone call simply press the button on the handset to talk! When you are not talking on the phone, you can still use your iPhone as normal.
|  |
您和您的家人是否有时会怀念当初手拿话筒大煲电话粥的时代呢?那时候的电话没有如今科技飞速发展的今天先进,可有时还是会回忆起那段涩涩的日子。那么这款来自日本的phone x phone(冯冯)复古造型电话可以解您的相思之苦,这是又一款iPhone迷喜爱的周边哟~~将您的iPhone座到上面,更方便您接听与拨打。怎么样?科技与怀旧相结合,让您重温回忆年代的同时还让您同样体验到科技的发达哟~~而且也可以大大的降低手机辐射哦~~很适合喜爱健康的人们使用,尤其是儿童、孕妇、老人。

复古风!复古Phone!苹果手机专用复古电话座机——Phone X Phone!
日本Hashy-Topin出品的iPhone复古电话座机(Phone X Phone),支持苹果全系列手机,将iPhone放在基座上就能使用,然后就能用电话听筒来接听电话了——为什么要这样做?

.phone x phone没有音量调节功能,如需要请调节iPhone手机。