Product Datasheet 产品说明书
Product name 产品名称 LS256 General Plastic Basecoat Series LS256多用途塑胶底色漆系列
Product description 产品描述 LS256多用途塑胶底色漆系列具有综合性能优异,施工方便,配套性强等优点,具有极好的外观装饰效果,是目前高档轻工业行业涂装的理想涂料配套之一。 Product purpose 产品用途 Used for the painting and repair of motorcycle, electric vehicle, household electrical appliances, car and etc, can be applied the substrates as ABS, PC, steel and so on. 适用于摩托车、电动车、家电、小轿车等的涂装和修补,可用于ABS,PC,铁等基材上。
Product character 产品特性 May dry by air, low-temperature baking preferred.
本品可自然干燥,低温烘烤性能更佳。 Cooperated with clear coat, final film appears lucent and vivid, very good DOI.
配合清漆漆膜光亮丰满,鲜映性好。 Excellent weather resistance, good color retention and gloss retention.
漆膜具有优异的保光、保色性及持久的耐侯性。 Offers convenient process and good repair performance.
Related products 配套产品 LH260-20 Hardener-Standard LH260-20 固化剂-标准 LN256-10 Thinner - Slow LN256-10 稀释剂-慢干 LN256-20 Thinner -Standard LN256-20 稀释剂-标准
Surface treatment 表面处理 Clean substrate with spirit wipe before painting. Use electrostatic gun to remove static.
底材喷涂前请务必用除油剂擦拭干净,用静电枪帮助消除静电。 Wipe off grease, dust and static.
Application process 施工流程 Application methods 施工方法
Conventional spray 手工喷涂
Hardener 固化剂
LH260-20 Thinner 稀释剂
LN256-10/-20 Mixing ratio (colors : hardener:thinner) 混合比例(色漆 : 固化剂:稀释剂) 6 :1 :2.5-4.5 (by weight/重量比) Pot life 混合使用时间
8 Hr/小时
Spray viscosity喷涂粘度(DIN4, 20℃)
14-18 S/秒 Spray distance 喷涂距离(cm/厘米)
Spray nozzle 喷涂口径(mm/毫米)
1.1~1.3 Pressure 喷涂压力(Mpa)
Flash-off 层闪时间
5-10 min/分钟 Flow time 流平时间
10 min/分钟
Important notes 注意事项: Via conventional or electrostatic spray. 可静电或手工喷涂。 Coatings should be mixed sufficiently once opened. Clean the remainder with thinner and pour them together into mixing container to avoid color variation caused by pigment settling.
涂料开罐后应充分搅拌均匀,罐底残漆应用稀释剂洗净一并混入调漆罐中,以防颜料沉底引起的色差。 Filter thinner with 200 mesh strainer before using to get rid of impurity if any
稀释剂使用前须用200目滤网过滤,以除去可能混入的杂质。 After thinning, use 120 mesh strainer for filtration the metallic paint. For other kind of paint, use 200μm strainer.
金属漆开稀后,用120目滤网过滤;其它漆用200目滤网过滤,然后使用。 The pot life will be 8 hours once the hardener had been added. Please use it up within the time.
色漆与固化剂混合后,活化时间为8小时,故应在规定时间内用完。 After mixing, it’s recommended to wait for half hour before spraying in order to reach better performance.
Dry film performance干膜性能* Item项 目 Specification 指 标 Film appearance 漆膜外观(GB1729)
Smooth 平整光滑 Gloss (60º),% 光泽(60º),% (GB9754) Accords with standard panels 符合标板 Drying at 70-80℃baking (min) 70-80℃烘烤时的干燥性 (分钟) (GB1735)
30min 分钟 Hardness 硬度(GB6739) 烘干后 ≥HB 实干后 ≥F Adhesion (cross cut test) 附着力(划格法)(GB9286) 100/100
Water resistance (40℃, 120h) 耐水性(40℃, 120小时)(GB/T1733)
No obvious change 无明显变化 Resistance to xylene mixture (6:4 mixing xylene and
Wipe 8 times back and forth. No obvious scar, gloss
butanol) 耐混合二甲苯性(用6:4二甲苯/丁醇混合溶液) reduces and gauze dyes. 来回擦拭8次,无明显伤痕,光泽减少及纱布着色。
Acid resistance(25℃, 5% H2SO4) 耐酸性 (25℃,5% 硫酸溶液)
24 hrs , No obvious change 24小时,无明显变化 Alkali resistance(25℃, 5% NaOH) 耐碱性 (25℃,5% 氢氧化钠溶液)
24 hrs , No obvious change 24小时,无明显变化
Humidity resistance 耐湿热性 (GB1740)
120hrs, no blanch, blister, wrinkle, rust and fade and etc. 120小时, 无发白、起泡、皱纹、生锈及明显的失光褪色等缺陷 Weather resistance to xenon lamp(artificial aging speedup) 氙灯耐候性(人工加速老化)(ASTM G53)
1000Hrs/小时 Gloss loss: 1 失光一级, Color deviation: 1 变色一级
Test panel测试板材: ABS or ABS+PC plastic panel: 50mm×140mm×2mm, use spirit wipe to wipe off grease and dust and coat relevant primer.
ABS或ABS+PC塑料板:50毫米×140毫米×2毫米,用除油剂擦去油污及尘粒,并涂上相应底漆。 Tinplate:50mm×120mm×(0.2-0.3)mm,use 200# sand paper to polish, remove rust and zincify. Coat relevant primer.
马口铁板:50毫米×120毫米×(0.2-0.3)毫米,用200号砂纸打磨除锈及镀锌层,并涂上相应底漆。 Film thickness: (30±5)um 漆膜厚度:(30±5)微米 Baking @ 80℃ for 30min 80℃烘烤30分钟 All panels in this performance test are coated with relevant color coat and LC 260-90 as well.以上均为色漆与清漆配套复层, Tests have been carried on 7 days after baking 性能试验板烘烤后放置7天后再测试。