肥城市泰山涂塑帆布有限公司,地处五岳之尊的泰山脚下,是专业从事双面涂覆聚氯乙烯阻燃防水布、篷布、帐篷、夹网布、灯箱布、喷绘布、塑料制品研究、开发、生产的综合性企业。是铁道部科学研究院的技术合作单位,下设涂塑帆布厂、塑胶制品厂。 涂塑帆布厂研制生产的双面涂覆聚氯乙烯阻燃防水布、篷布,具有防水、阻燃、防毒、防寒、防腐蚀(简称五防)等特点,各项指标均符合GB/T16741-1997《双面涂覆聚氯乙烯阻燃防水布、篷布》和TB1941-87《铁路货车化纤涂塑篷布供货技术条件》的标准要求,年产500万平方米,广泛应用于铁路、公路运输、粮食仓码头货栈用蓬盖布、钻井塔衣、各类帐篷、矿山导风筒等。 矿山风筒布,各项指标符合MT383-1995《煤矿用风筒涂覆技术条件》和MT164-1995《煤矿用正压风筒》,获得国家煤矿防尘通风安全产品质量监督检验中心检验合格证书,并颁发了《矿用产品安全标志证》。 塑胶制品厂专业生产夹网布、灯箱布、喷绘布及蓬盖布,广泛应用于制作灯箱广告、户外大型喷绘广告,遮阳蓬、太阳伞用布,火车、汽车蓬盖布,货场、码头、粮仓用防水布;帐篷,建筑围墙用蓬盖布,以及用于制作休闲用品等。 公司已顺利通过ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证,产品已销往全国各地,并出口欧美、日本、韩国、非洲等国家。 销售经理李秀洪,(手机13805382885、QQ:916401007).热忱欢迎各界朋友莅临指导、洽谈业务。 Plastic canvas fat Taishan City, located at the foot of Mount Tai Chun Wu Yue, is specialized in flame retardant double-sided coated PVC tarpaulin, tarpaulin, tents, tarpaulin cloth, light box cloth, printing cloth, plastic,products research, development and production of integrated enterprise.Ministry of Railways Institute of Science and Technology Cooperation Unit, under the plastic Canvas, plastic products factory.
Coated Canvas development and production of double-sided 2X1 2X2 3X3 PVC coated flame retardant tarps, tarpaulin, with a waterproof, fire retardant, anti-virus, cold, anti-corrosion (referred to as the five anti-) and so on, the indicators are in line withGB/T16741-1997 "double-sided PVC coated flame retardant tarps, tarp" and TB1941-87 "fiber coated tarpaulin Freight Technical delivery conditions" standard, annual output of 500 million square meters, wide range ofused in railway, road transport, food storage bottle cap with a cloth warehouse terminals, drilling tower clothing, all kinds of tents, mine duct and so on.Five anti-avoidance rats PVC tarpaulin fiber, Chinese Patent Technology Fair Award. Mine ventilation duct cloth, each target conforms to MT383-1995 "mine ventilation duct coating technology," and MT164-1995 "positive pressure ventilation duct for use in mines," the State coal mine dust and ventilation safety product quality supervision and inspection center certificate, and issued a "Certificate of mine product safety signs." Plastic Products Factory specialized in producing mesh folder, light box cloth, printing cloth and cloth canopy, are widely used in production of advertising light boxes, large outdoor inkjet advertising, awnings, sun umbrellas with a cloth, train, car canopy fabric, yard,terminals, granary with tarpaulin; tents, building walls with a cloth canopy, and for the production of leisure goods. The company has passed ISO9001: 2000 international quality system certification, the products have been sold throughout the country and exported to Europe, Japan, Korea, Africa and other countries. Sales Manager Li Xiuhong, (phone 13805382885, QQ: 916401007). Warmly welcome all friends to visit and negotiate business.