1、石英石其石英含量高达93%,石英晶体是自然界中硬度仅次于钻石的天然矿产,其表面硬度可高达莫氏硬度7.5,远大于厨房中所使用的刀铲 等利器,不会被其刮伤。
4、 天然的石英结晶是典型的耐火材料,其熔点高达1300度以上,94%天然石英制成的石英石完全阻燃,不会因接触高温而导致燃烧,也具备人造石等台面无法比拟的耐高温特性。
5、无毒无辐射 石英石的表面光滑,平整也无划痕滞留,致密无孔的材料结构使得细菌无处藏身,可与食物直接接触,安全无毒! 优质的石英石采用精选的天然石英结晶矿产,其SiO2的含量超过99.9%以上,并在制造过程中去杂提纯,原料中不含任何可能导致辐射的重金属杂质,93%的石英结晶体和其它的树脂添加剂使得石英石没有辐射污染的危险。
环保:经过国际化学建材检测中心认定产品性能指标优异。无毒、无辐射。对环境无污染 。 功能;石英石水槽,是由石英石中最坚硬的高纯度石英材料混合了食品级高性能树脂经高科技工艺高温压铸而成。坚如磐石、经久耐磨,充分展示了自然界中最隋性的石英材料特征:质感自然、华贵、典雅。单凭触摸它的独特材质,就足以让人叹服并为之陶醉。石英石水槽是一种坚硬无比的合成材质,它的硬度仅次于钻石,非常耐磨,强度也高。表面致密,不吸水。石英石表面对划痕,破裂,染色有很强的抵抗力,同时还能抵抗高达535华氏度的高温。石英石水槽能够抵抗日常生活中的磨损如凹陷,切割,破裂及染色等等. 石英是自然界中最稳定的物质之一。耐酸、耐碱性能极佳,即使是腐蚀性很强的酸性食物,也不会腐蚀水槽。石英石水槽有着有很多款式,颜色多样,手感温润柔和。甚至还包括自然纹理的色调及金属色,非常迷人。在欧美等发达国家厨房市场,这些设计人性化、多种搭配风格、功能超强、环保清洁的水槽产品占据了全球高端厨房市场的极大份额。
Granite composite sink is one of the most durable sink materials on the market today. Granite on its ow has a high-density hardness. Coupling that with the filler polymers used to bind the composite materials together, makes for an extremely hard-wearing, stain, scratch and chip-resistant surface that ca withstand heat up to 535 degrees Fahrenheit.
How to Care for Granite Composite Sink
1.Rinse the sink. Remove any debris stuck to the sides or lingering in the basin. Use a washcloth to clean any spots that are particularly difficult to remove.
2. Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Apple cider vinegar will give the mixture and your sink a more tolerable smell. The acidic mix will kill bacteria. Spray the mixture over the entire surface of the granite, and wipe it down gently with your washcloth.
3. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes. Then rinse the washcloth and wipe the sink with water again.
4. Make a mixture of baking soda and water and rub it on the granite, perhaps with a toothbrush. This mixture should be abrasive enough to remove any stuck-on particles while not hurting the granite.
5. Rinse the baking soda and water mixture. Then dry the granite with a cloth or paper towel.
How to Clean a Granite Composite Sink
1. Rinse the sink thoroughly to remove any stuck-on dirt and debris with clean water and a soft clean cloth for more problematic spots.
2. Mix a solution of vinegar and water in equal parts in a spray bottle. Spray the sink and gently scrub with a soft, clean cloth.
3. Rinse the sink again with clean water.
4. Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it to stubborn stains. Gently scrub the paste in with a soft, clean cloth and rinse with warm water.
5. Wipe the sink with a dry clean tow el.联系人 雷先生 电话 13537398588 qq1668788332