供应功得CONQUER 6125 1A2A3A 125V 贴片保险丝

| 超精密中空陶瓷積體的設計 體積小,額定電流 62mA~15A 額定電壓 125Vac/dc 高突波承受能力 對熱衝擊和機械衝擊有很強的承受能力 高可靠性和穩定的焊錫性,兩端銅帽可以選擇鍍金或鍍銀. 元件符合RoHS要求 -55℃至+125℃工作溫度範圍 本司之SET、SEF等系列產品,使用於此產品之材料中, 使用高溫熔化型之焊錫,此焊錫成份中鉛含量大於85%, 故此產品符合RoH指令(2002/95/EC)要求之焊錫含鉛量超過85%之排除條款規範。
Features | A hollow precise ceramic tube design Small volume ,current rating from 62mA to 15A. Voltage rating 125Vac/dc. Excellent inrush current withstanding capability Excellent withstand capacity for thermal and mechanic shock High reliability and stable solderability, 2 terminal caps can choice plating gold or silver. Meet RoHS Requirement Operating temperature range: -55oC to +125oC Our SET、SEF series products, because the materials used in these fuses include high melting temperature type solder and this solder contains more than 85% lead (Pb), so these products can conform to the exempts of the requirements of RoHS Directive (2002/95/EC)
安裝方式 | 貼片 |
Installation | SMD |