工艺: “埋入式”陶瓷加热器,它是用电阻丝Cr20Ni80为发热体。陶瓷为绝缘体和导热体。把电阻丝铸入陶瓷中,然后通过高温烧制而成。
用途: 它的用途广泛,食品、医疗、电子、塑料、电线电缆、汽车包装等行业,用于烘烤或开温定型等用途。
特点: 加热器辐射率高、整体性能好、发热均匀、绝缘温度高、清洁卫生、使用寿命长、还具有耐腐蚀,抗氧化等特点,最高表面负荷可达5W/cm2。
Process: "embedded" ceramic heater, which is used for heat resistance wire Cr20Ni80 body. Ceramics and thermal insulation for the body. Resistance to the wire to cast ceramics, and then through high-temperature firing from.
Use: It's widely used, food, medical, electronics, plastics, wire and cable, automotive and packaging industries, for baking or a temperature, and other uses stereotypes.
Features: heater high rate of radiation, the overall good performance, fever uniform, high-temperature insulation, hygiene, long life, but also a corrosion-resistant, anti-oxidation, and other characteristics, the maximum load up to the surface 5 W/cm2.