迈瑞逆变直流手工焊机(IGBT系列) ZX7-200/250
Inverter Dc Arc Welder
迈瑞逆变直流手工焊机(IGBT系列) ZX7-200/250技术特点 FEATUR FUNCTION
1. 采用采用IGBT逆变技术,大大提高了整机可靠性。
2. 逆变频率高,明显提套了整机效率节能效果显著。
3. 壳体采用塑料与金属结核结构,美观,小乔坚固稳定,成型好等特点。
4. 具备引弧容易,飞溅小,电流稳定。
5. 可广泛应用于各种酸,碱性焊条的焊接。
6. 高的空载电压及良好的推力补偿功能。
7. 用途广泛,可用于高空作业,野外作业,室内装修等。
Adopt inverter IGBT technology, the reliability of the machine greatly improved.
High inverter frequency,obviously improved the efficiency of the machine.
high energy saving ability.
The combine of metal and plastic makes shell of the machine beautiful,firm,
stable,resistant to impact.
Have the features of striking arc easily, lirrle spark,stable current,good
welding shape,
Can use all kinds of acid, alkalic electrodes.
High no-load voltage and good ability of trust compensation.
Widely used in aloft work, field work, interior decoration etc.
输入电流电压频率 (V HZ)/lnputpower voltage Frequency
效 率 (%) /Efficiency 85 85
额定输入电源容量 (KVA) / Rate inputpowercapacicty 7 10
空载电压(V) / No-load voltage 62 65
输出电流调节范围 (A)/ Output current range 20-200 20-250
重量 (KG) Weight 5 7
额定输入电压 (V) /Rated ouput voltage 28 30
外形从尺寸(mm) /Overall dimenxion 315/115/200 371/153/230
空载损耗 (W) /No-load loss 40 50
适合焊条直径(mm) /Suittable diameter of rod 1.6-3.2 1.6-4