美国Tint Meter透光率仪
TM100便携式透光率检测仪 卡式透光率仪
测量时间: ≤4s
散射光的影响: 不受散射光影响
灯泡寿命: 10年
电 源: 一节9v碱性电池
波 长:550纳米
湿 度: ≤90%
最小基体尺寸:50mm x 50mm
尺 寸:127mm x 76.2mm x 38.1mm
重 量: 336g

Accurately displays light transmission percentages of tinted windows Simple One Piece Slotted Design with Automatic On/Off
Now with proven accuracy to within 2 percentage points determine the light transmission of tinted automobile windows.
Easy To Operate - A complete test takes less than a minute. Sophisticated circuitry, does all the work when a meter is pressed over a rolled down window. Because there are no knobs to turn or buttons to push minimal training is required.
Works Day Or Night - Variations in light transmission readings cannot be affected by external lighting conditions.
Auto-Calibrating Design - Which means sending a meter back for recalibration is never necessary. It also guarantees consistent, accurate test results. To verify accuracy, 2 N.I.S.T. traceable test standards are supplied with each meter.
Features Include - Recertification Program - One year warranty
Two N.I.S.T.. traceable standard test panels - Certificate of Accuracy
25,000 + meters in use! - Dimensions are 5.5" x 3.25" x l.5" LED Wavelength is 550 nanometers. - Accuracy of plus or minus 2% points One 9 volt battery required, not included
