泡绵数控仿形切割机器主要用于海绵发泡后的块片状泡绵的异形切割、裁及切片,两维的各种形状的聚氨脂软/硬泡体或类似材料,由于采用独特的机架移动及工作台旋转方式,具有占地面积小,生产效率高,切割精确、操作简便 等优点,在许多不同领域得到广泛应用,如保温材料,家具和床褥的垫及包装材料等。
This simple computer cutting machine is mainly used for block foam abnormity cutting, two dimensional polyurethane foam or similar materials, as adopt special frame movement and worktablerotate, has a good advantage of occupying area small, product efficiency high, cutting exact,operate easily, so product widely used inmodern commercial varies field, such as heat preservation materials, furniture, mattress, packing and other industrial usage.
型号 | 1000 | 2000 |
切绵尺寸 | L1000×W1000×H1000mm | L2000×W2000×H1200mm |
线刀长度 | 5500mm | 7900mm |
切割速度 | 0-1200mm/min | 0-1200mm/min |
电机总功率 | 8.9KW | 8.9Kw |
机械外形尺寸 | L2000×W2200×H1200mm | L3000×W3227×H2350mm |