single measurement of speed and range by pushing of start button or by external signal
automatic over-speed control mode, that is measurement of ther speed and range of objects at exceeding of speed limit
registration of time of an over-speed accident
operation under usual and difficult environmental conditions such as light snow, rain or fog
serviceability control mode
Measurement speed 0 - 250 km/h
Maximum range to car 400 m
Measurement range 2 - 999 m
Range measurement accuracy ± 0.3 m +0.001 L
Measurement time 0.45 s
Directional pattern width 0.004 x 0.004 rad
Field of sight view 6°
Lifetime 5 x 106 cycles
Interface RS-232
Power supply:
- 6V, 4 AA battery (1000 measurements at 20 °C)
- external power supply 12 +-2V, 0.2A
Overall dimensions 210 x 170 x 92 mm
Weight no more 1.3 kg
Operating temperature range -30...+50 °C
Safety standard: LISD-2M Laser Velocimeter & Rangefinder is eye-safe device and corresponds to Class 1
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