深圳市怡能科技原厂代理供应IWATT系列IC,IW1692 IW3610 IW3612 IW3620 IW3614 IW1710等,全部原装正品!!
在做调光驱动设计时,先根据输入电压选取起动电阻和加速起动电路阻值;选取BLEEDER电阻;选取PFC电感;变压器设计,MOSFET和输出整流管选择;I SENSE 和V SENSE选取;Bulk电容Vcc电容及noise旁路电容选择;必要的EMI FILTER电路等.
Isolated AC/DC offline 100 Vac / 230 Vac LED driver
Up to 25 W output power Line frequency ranges from 45 Hz to 66 Hz
Intelligent wall dimmer detection
Leading-edge dimmer Trailing-edge dimmer No-dimmer detected
Unsupported dimmer Hybrid dimming scheme
Wide dimming range from 1% up to 100% No visible flicker
Resonant control to achieve high efficiency, 85% without dimmer
Temperature compensated LED current
Small size design Small size input bulk capacitor
Small size output capacitor Smallest transformer
Primary-side sensing eliminates the need for opto-isolator feedback and simplifies design
Tight LED current regulation ± 5%
Fast start-up, typically 10 μA start-up current
Hot-plug LED module support Multiple protection features:
LED open circuit protection Single-fault protection
Over-current protection LED short circuit protection
Current sense resistor short circuit protection Over-temperature protection
Dimmable LED luminaires