香港爱迪安实业有限公司是一家综合性公司,公司秉承“高标做事,做大事;低调做人,做好人”的原则,立足深圳,面向全国,走向全世界! 公司自成立以来一直坚持以诚信经营,质量至上的原则,为国内外客户提供优质的产品和热情的服务。 在团队的共同努力下,公司不断地发展壮大,现有接近两百名工人。专业生产电脑音响,礼品音响,耳机等优质产品。产品不仅在国内赢得良好的口碑,更受到了国际上一些客户的青睐,我们对我们的产品充满了自信,我们对我们的未来充满信心! 我们不仅拥有敬业的生产员工,更有强大的工程团队,我们不断学习,不断创新,紧跟世界潮流;我们还拥有一支精益求精、团结向上的销售、售后队伍。 欢迎志同道合的朋友加盟我们,共同开拓海内外市场,一起赢得更好的口碑,提供更好的服务,塑造更好的形象,创造更加辉煌的明天!……
Hong Kong Ideal Products Company Limited is a comprehensive enterprise,mainly manufactures electronic products , including earphones and headphones, speakers, etc. The enterprise conducted with trustworthiness, the principle of quality supremacy, provide high-quality products and passionate service for domestic and international customers. At present, our company nearly has 200 employees . We can produce the high-quality products. Our products not only win a good public praise in the domestic, but cater to popular tastes abroad.We not only own respect-work production employees, but also have top-grade design team to create and produce the best products. Welcome all the friends in the world. We hope we can cooperate together.We ……