HQM振盒系列产品,振盒采用优质进口不锈钢板制作,振盒辐射面经过特殊处理,使用寿命有效延长。 并根据安装位置的不同,可做成底振式、侧振式和顶振式三种,适用于各种不同的清洗要求。HQM Vibrant Board Series products can have their service lives effectively lengthened with their vibrant boxes being made of high-quality imported stainless plate and the radiating surfaces of vibrant boxes being specially processed. According to different installing position, they can be made into bottom-vibration type, side-vibration type and top-vibration type which can meet different cleaning requirements. 适用范围:电镀、涂装、电泳、喷漆等工艺的前处理和后处理及制药设备的配套使用等。