Major Feature:
* POCSAG code pager system(CCIR Radio Paging Code No. 1)
* Support 512, 1200 & 2400 baud rate
* Single crystal for all baud rate available (76.8K crystal)
* Provide for display pager
* Support up to 6 user addresses (RICs)
* Support up to 6 different frames, independently programmable
* Support partial address match facility for address F, used in message pager application
* 3 RF circuit control pins (PLL, Quick charge, Enable)
* Build in data filter (16-times oversampling) and data bit clock recovery
* Provide 2-bit random or 4-bit burst error correction and 3-bits random error detection in all codewords
* 30 second reference clock output ( real time clock application )
* Direct microcontroller interface / Active Mode or Passive Mode
* Formatted data output is available when in message codeword received
* Synchronize / Over range indication output
* 16 pins SOP package
* SACMOS Technology (2.7 – 3.5V)
* Low operation current: 40uA typ.