Sonicont USD 150
- Four-line plain text display for menue controlled installation
- 四线控制安装,纯文本显示;
- Envelope curves illustration on the on-site display for simple diagnosis
- 对现场进行简单的诊断显示曲线插图信息;
- Linearization for up to 32 points
- 最多32点的线性化;
- Integrated temperature sensor for automatic correction of the temperature dependent sound
velocity - 集成温度传感器的温度依赖声速自动校正
- Hart-protocol - 4...20mA, Profibus PA or Foundation Fieldbus
- 协议 - 4 ... 20mA输出, 现场总线;
- Certificated for the use in explosion hazardous areas - gas / dust
- 爆炸认证 - 危险的气体/灰尘区域使用;
- Measurement range up to 15m in liquids and 7m in solid materials
- 液体测量范围高达15米,固体材料7M;
- Rugged housing IP-68 in aluminum
- 坚固的铝外壳,防护等级:IP68;
- Installation in screw-in threads from G 1½" or 1½" NPT upwards
- 安装螺丝线程从G 1 ½“或1 ½”NPT.

Technical Data
Measuring range
Liquids: 15 m
Solids: 7 m
Blocking distance: 0.6 m
Deviation: ± 4 mm, or 0.2% of set measuring range (greater)
Resolution: 2 mm
Frequency: 35 kHz
Pulse: dep. the type of sensor (max. 0.5 Hz at 2 Hz 2-wire/max at 4-wire)
Min reaction time: 0.5 s at 4-wire, 2 s for 2-wire
3dB beam angle: 6°
Output: 4 .. 20 mA with HART protocol (standard), PROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION Fieldbus (option)
Load: For HART communication minimum of 250 ohms
Installation: Perpendicular to the product surface
Ambient temperature: -40 ... +80°C
Protection: IP68, IP20 with open cover
Process temperature: -40 ... +80°C
Pabs process pressure: 0.7 ... 2,5 bar
Power supply: two wire: 14-36V DC, four-wire: 10.5-32V DC, 90-253 V AC 50/60 Hz
CE-mark: Prosonic meets the legal requirements of the EC directives.
Ex approvals: ATEX II ½ G, 2G EEx ia IIC T6, EEx d (ia) IIC T6, ATEX II ½ D, 1/3D, ATEX II 3G EEx nA II T6, ATEX II ½ D, 1/3D
Sonicont USN 50;
USD 080;
USD 100;
USD 150.
德国品质,中国价格,可以替代:E+H, rosemount, ABB, yokogawa等进口品牌。
欢迎朋友们选购、来电咨询,咨询 QQ:2498117428