顾客就是上帝乃天道,呼之即来挥之即去的服务态度定是你的首选,期待以后的日子一路同行。乐清市广顺防爆电气有限公司 罗先生:13738305900 QQ:283714964
BAYD隔爆型防爆标志灯适用范围 1区 2区危险场所 IIA IIB类爆炸性气体环境 温度级别T1~T4 Application Can be used in Zone 1and Zone2dangerous places Can be used in IIA IIBgroup explosive atmosphere Temperature classification;T1~T4
BAYD隔爆型防爆标志灯产品特点 铸铝合金外壳,表面喷塑 透明标志牌可由用户自由选配 内装免维护镍隔电池组,在正常供电下自动充电,事故或停电时应急灯自动点亮 钢管或电缆布线均可 Features Diecasted aluminium alloy shess with plastic-sprayed surface The transparent mark-plate can be chosen and matched to user s requirement Under the normal power-supplying condition inner Nickel-Cadmium battery can recharge automatically so that the emergency lamp will turn on automatically when the power lose because of accident or power failure