顾客就是上帝乃天道,呼之即来挥之即去的服务态度定是你的首选,期待以后的日子一路同行。乐清市广顺防爆电气有限公司 罗先生:13738305900 QQ:283714964
BCX58防爆插销适用范围 ·1区,2区,危险场所。 ·IIA,II B 内爆炸性气体环境。 ·*要求IIC类请注明。 ·温度组别:T1-T6 Application 。Can be used in Zone 1 and Zond 2 dangerous places. 。Can be used in IIA,IIB group explosive atmosphere. 。*Please note if want IIC or safety reinforced type. 。Temperatur classes:T1-T6
BCX58防爆插销产品特点 ·铸铝合金外壳,表面喷塑。 ·插销与开关制成联锁机构,只有开关断开后方能拔出插头。 ·钢管或电缆布线均可。 Features 。The shell is of diecasted A1-alloy with plastic-sprayed surface. 。The plug together with switch is constructed to form interlocks.Only if switch is off,the plug can be drawn out..... 。Suitable for ateel pipe and cable wiring.