高弹性EPDM颗粒,表面颜色柔和,颗粒状结构,掺入塑胶场地中, 能防止刺眼光线的反射,产品可采用多色彩搭配,拥有天路牌塑胶场地专用彩色胶粒的塑胶场地不会因紫外线、臭氧、酸雨的污染而褪色、粉化或软化, 并能长期保持其鲜艳的色彩。
Colored EPDM rubber granules are the materials with high elastic. The granules are mixed into EPDM rubber playground to avoid the reflection of strong light and can be matched in multiple colors. The plastic playground mixed with special colored rubber granules of TIANLU brand will not be depigmentized, pulverized or softened by UR, ozone and can keep fresh colors for a long period.
Colored EPDM rubber granules are numerous in variety. The rubber floor tiles are made by mixing and stirring anti-chemical pharmaceutica