佛山市井达展览铝材及展览配件主营地, 坐落于佛山市南海区大沥大镇大道36号,交通便利,工业发达. 南海大沥镇,被誉为"中国铝材第一镇
佛山市井达展览铝材厂是一家专业从事展览展示器材研发、生产销售为一体的工厂. 结合市场及客户的需求,为客户量身定做适合的产品。制作
1, 展览铝型材,八棱柱系列,方柱系列,扁铝系列,展位系列,桁架系列,球节展架系列,展板及书画展览屏风,欢迎来图报价
2, 展览配件:X展架,韩式X展架,户外展示器材,铝合金精品可调展示器材,促销台,易拉宝等,为了更好的满足客户需要,从展示器材到画面制作输出全部厂价直销。
The factory mainly engaged in the exhibition aluminum, sheet metal and other products, products used in the exhibition, special equipment booth, tables and chairs, screens, and so on, this product is made of aluminum alloy with rust-proof, durable, can be disassembled and other advantages, can in the transportation or carrying save time and effort, build to effect is very beautiful, is the international general an exhibition of materials, factory adhering to the "quality first, customer satisfaction first, for the purpose of more understanding, please visit our company website
Foshan town of exhibition equipment factory, welcomed the Advisory order!!