2011年公司经过日本昭和电工株式会社的严格审查,成为日本昭和电工集团(SHOWA DENKO K.K)在华液态锂电和聚合物锂电材料在中国大陆区域的正式代理商,在中国国内销售高科技聚合物锂电池铝塑包装膜。日本昭和铝塑膜是全球最早运用于聚合物锂离子电池的铝塑复合膜,产品早在90年代末由昭和电工和SONY公司共同协作研发并批量生产,技术和质量成熟稳定,目前市场份额占了全球的75%-80%,现主要提供C4,C8两种型号铝塑膜,C4厚度为(113μ),C8厚度为(152μ),动深延展好、热封强度高,不易导致弯角部分的隐性龟裂,保障电池不易胀气。
1. Scope
This specification covers the construction and the properties of Showa Aluminum soft packaging film for Lithium-polymer battery.
2. Construction and Dimension
Unit: mm
No Symbol Item Spec.
1 T Total Thickness 0.113±10%
2 O-Ny layer 0.025±0.0025mm
3 Aluminum layer 0.040 ± 0.004mm
4 CPP 0.040 ± 0.004mm
3. Properties
No Item Method Spec.
1 Peeling strength between Al and PP layer Peeling speed: 200~240mm/min
Peeling angle:180° 6N/cm Min.
2 Outer layer color By naked eyes Semi-translucent
3 Appearance Inspection of bubble, contamination, scratch No defect allowed to degrade the properties
4 Cold forming performance Punch machine, punch corner R=1.0mm, depth 4.5mm max Rebound 5% Max in depth
No discolor
No delaminating in process
5 Delamination
Between PP & Al layer Electrolyte (EC+DEC/LiPF6) dipping 4 hours under 85°C. No delaminating allowed from edge
6 Sealing performance Temperature: 190°C
Time: 3 S
Pressure: 0.2~0.4 Mpa..
Burst tester Peeling strength:
20N Min./8mm
Burst test:
200Kpa Min
*7 Vapor Barrier Water dipping 5 days under 45°C No swelled
Weight change < 0.1g
Remarks: All above test should be at 23 ± 5℃ unless specified respectively.
“*” Means do in FAE qualification only.
4. Shipment Form
4.1 Shipment form : Roll type, the length is 300~600m per Roll.
4.2 Foil packing : Airproof and damp proof, no deform after packing.
4.3 Shipment packing : Damp proof, bump protection.
4.4 Core material : Paper or PVC.
4.5 Internal diameter : >=3 inch
4.6 Defects quantities : Less than 15 point defects / 100m
4.7 Defect indication : Indicated by red line on the outside of defect part
4.8 Test data : All data for above testing items should be attached along with product