Statement: security matters that should be noticed
1、 本设备必须严格正确接地,防止漏电和保护电器。
1, the machine must be strictly properly grounded to prevent the electrical equipment and to avoid electrical leakage
2、 设备要远离高压输变电、强磁场等环境。
2, the machine should be away from high voltage power transmission equipment, a strong magnetic field and other similar environment.
3、 电气操作柜必须注意防尘或除尘,以达到有效使用的效果。
3. make sure the electrically operated cabinet is dust –proof, in order to achieve expected results.
4、 雷雨天气必须停止操作,并切断一切电源,防止触电和设备损坏。
4, operation must be stopped when it’s raining or thundering, and cut off all power to prevent electrical shock and equipment damage.
5、 设备工作时产生噪声,对听力有损害,请操作人员进行有效地听力防护。
5. Operating noise is harmful to hearing, please make protection correspondingly
6、 在有飞溅物的区域要佩戴放护目镜。
6. Wear goggles when there are flying objects
7、 在有粉尘的区域要佩戴防尘口罩。
7. Wear dust-proof masks when there are dusts
8、 请勿随意拆卸安全防护栏/网。
8 do not dismount security fence or net.
9、 设备开机前,确认安全后方可进行操作;运行时,禁止将身体任何部位置于其中。
9. Check the security matters before the machine is turned on, do not put any part of the body into the machine during the operation
10、 维护、维修设备时,应立即断电,上下模具之间要加支撑。
10. Cut the power off during maintenance and repairing, put brace between the upper and lower mold
11、 靠近设备所有旋转部位均禁止戴手套、露长发、着宽服等,防止卷入造成人身伤害。
11. it’s forbidden to wear gloves, loose clothes or keep long hair when you are close to the rotating parts of the machine to avoid injury
12、 设备移动物件较多,防止压伤、砸伤、挤伤等人身伤害。
12. Pay attention to moving objects of the machine to avoid injury by crushing
13、 设备运转时,请勿将无关器物放入设备内,防止发生次生伤害。
13. Do not put unrelated objects into the machine during operation to avoid secondary injury
14、 防止设备高压气线、油路破损及次生伤人(因为环境内有沙石等细小硬质材料,可能被外力激发而伤人或设备)。
14. Pay attention to the damage of high pressure gas line and oil line which can imitate secondary injury (because the small hard material such as sand and rock can be excited by external forces and harmful to human body and the machine)
15、 设备其它安全部位,请参考本手册有关章节内容。
15. Please refer to the relevant chapters of the instruction to keep the other parts of the machine