6SE7 016-1EA61 6.1A 2.2KW
6SE7 018-0EA61 8.0A 3.0KW
6SE7 021-0EA61 10.2A 4.0KW
6SE7 021-3EB61 13.2A 5.5KW
6SE7 021-8EB61 17.5A 7.5KW
6SE7 022-6EC61 25.5A 11.0KW
6SE7 023-4EC61 34.0A 15.0KW
6SE7 023-8ED61 37.5A 18.5KW
6SE7 024-7ED61 47.0A 22.0KW
6SE7 026-0ED61 59.0A 30.0KW
6SE7 027-2ED61 72.0A 37.0KW
6SE7 031-0EE60 92.0A 45.0KW
6SE7 031-2EF60 124.0A 55.0KW
6SE7 031-5EF60 146.0A 75.0KW
6SE7 031-8EF60 186.0A 90.0KW
6SE7 032-1EG60 210.0A 110.0KW
6SE7 032-6EG60 260.0A 132.0KW
6SE7 033-2EG60 315.0A 160.0KW
6SE7 033-7EG60 370.0A 200.0KW
6SE7 035-1EK60 510.0A 250.0KW
6SE7 036-0EK60 590.0A 315.0KW
6SE7 037-0EK60 690.0A 400.0KW
6SE7 016-1TA61 6.1A 2.2KW
6SE7 018-0TA61 8.0A 3.0KW
6SE7 021-0TA61 10.2A 4.0KW
6SE7 021-3TB61 13.2A 5.5KW
6SE7 021-8TB61 17.5A 7.5KW
6SE7 022-6TC61 25.5A 11.0KW
6SE7 023-4TC61 34.0A 15.0KW
6SE7 023-8TD61 37.5A 18.5KW
6SE7 024-7TD61 47.0A 22.0KW
6SE7 026-0TD61 59.0A 30.0KW
6SE7 027-2TD61 72.0A 37.0KW
6SE7 031-0TE60 92.0A 45.0KW
6SE7 031-2TF60 124.0A 55.0KW
6SE7 031-5TF60 146.0A 75.0KW
6SE7 031-8TF60 186.0A 90.0KW
6SE7 032-1TG60 210.0A 110.0KW
6SE7 032-6TG60 260.0A 132.0KW
6SE7 033-2TG60 315.0A 160.0KW
6SE7 033-7TG60 370.0A 200.0KW
6SE7 035-1TJ60 510.0A 250.0KW
6SE7 036-0TJ60 590.0A 315.0KW
6SE7 037-0TJ60 690.0A 400.0KW
C11/13/14/15/16/17 SBP脉冲编码信号处理板,插入槽A/C/D/E/F/G中
G21/23/25/27 CBC带有CAN通讯协议接口的通讯板,插入A/C/E/G中
G41/43/44/45/46/47 SIMOLINK板SLB,插入槽A/C/D/E/F/G中
G61/63/64/65/66/67 EB1端子扩展板,插入槽A/C/D/E/F/G中
G71/73/74/75/76/77 EB2端子扩展板,插入槽A/C/D/E/F/G中
G91/93/95/97 PROFIBUS通讯板CBP2,插入槽A/C/E/G中
K01,K02 ADB适配板,插入位置2,3
K11 LBA数据总线适配器,装入电子箱中
K80 安全断电,用于尺寸J到Q的变频器和逆变器
L03 对于J到Q,在使用无线电滤波器时,接地抗干扰
M20 IP20面板,尺寸G可装在墙上
M20 IP20面板,尺寸F可装在墙上
M20 IP20面板,尺寸E可装在墙上
6DD1 606-0AD0 T400工艺板,包括硬件手册,德语/英语
6DD1 684-0GF0 T400计算机连接电缆,连接电缆7.5米
6DD1 801-4DA6 T400编程软件,包括STEP7,CFC,D7-SYS
6DD1 842-0AA0 带标准卷绕软件的T400,不含手册
6DD1 842-0AB0 带标准角同步软件的T400,不含手册
6DD1 842-0AD0 带标准横剪/剪切控制软件的T400,不含手册
6SE7 090-0XX84-0BA0 TSY同步板
6SE7 090-0XX84-0BC0 SCB1接口板
6SE7 090-0XX84-0BD1 SCB2接口板
6SE7 090-0XX84-2FK0 OP1S,操作面板
6SE7 090-0XX84-3DB0 DTI数字测速机接口板,含简短说明
6SE7 090-0XX84-3DF0 ATI数字测速机接口板,含简短说明
6SE7 090-0XX84-3EA0 SCI1接口板,模拟量及开关量
6SE7 090-0XX84-3EF0 SCI2接口板,开关量
6SE7 090-0XX84-4HA0 LBA数据总线适配器
6SX7005-0AA00 接口转换器:RS232-485包括安装件,电源接线 1AC 115/230V
6SX7005-0AB00 PMU-PC,连接电缆3米
6SX7010-0AA00 A OP1S,适配器,包括5米电线
6SX7010-0AA10 A PMU,适配器,包括2米电线
6SX7010-0AB03 PMU-OP1S,连接电缆3米
6SX7010-0AB05 PMU-OP1S,连接电缆5米
6SX7010-0EJ00 VSB电压识别板
6SX7010-0FA00 SBP脉冲编码信号处理板,附件,含简短说明
6SX7010-0FF05 PROFIBUS通讯板CBP2,含简短说明
6SX7010-0FG00 CBC带有CAN通讯协议接口的通讯板附件,含简短说明
6SX7010-0FJ00 SIMOLINK板SLB,附件,含简短说明
6SX7010-0KA00 ADB适配板
6SX7010-0KB00 EB1端子扩展板,附件,含简短说明
6SX7010-0KC00 EB2端子扩展板,附件,含简短说明
6SE7 090-0XA87-3CA1 用于电缆屏蔽层连接的适配器,尺寸A
6SE7 090-0XB87-3CA1 用于电缆屏蔽层连接的适配器,尺寸B
6SE7 090-0XC87-3CA1 用于电缆屏蔽层连接的适配器,尺寸C
6SE7 090-0XD87-3CA1 用于电缆屏蔽层连接的适配器,尺寸D
6SE7 090-0XE87-3AC0 IP20面板,尺寸E,带附件
6SE7 090-0XF87-3AC0 IP20面板,尺寸F,带附件
6SE7 090-0XG87-3AC0 IP20面板,尺寸G,带附件
6SE7 090-0XX87-3CB0 用于30mm和40mm母线的母线支架,含安装手册
6SE7 090-0XX87-3CD0 用于50mm和60mm母线的母线支架,含安装手册
6SE7 085-0QX60 矢量控制使用大全,中文
1 装机选件和部分备件订货号
2 A00电梯专用 A00
3 SBP脉冲编码 C11
4 SBP脉冲编码 C13
5 SBP脉冲编码 C14
6 SBP脉冲编码 C15
7 SBP脉冲编码 C16
8 SBP脉冲编码 C17
9 SBP脉冲编码 6SX7 010-0FA00
10 CBC通讯板 G21
11 CBC通讯板 G23
12 CBC通讯板 G25
13 CBC通讯板 G27
14 CBC通讯板 6SX7 010-0FG00
15 SLB通讯板 G41
16 SLB通讯板 G43
17 SLB通讯板 G45
18 SLB通讯板 G46
19 SLB通讯板 G47
20 SLB通讯板 6SX7 010-0FJ00
21 EB1端子板 G61
22 EB1端子板 G63
23 EB1端子板 G64
24 EB1端子板 G65
25 EB1端子板 G66
26 EB1端子板 G67
27 EB1端子板 6SX7 010-0KB00
28 EB2端子板 G71
29 EB2端子板 G73
30 EB2端子板 G74
31 EB2端子板 G75
32 EB2端子板 G76
33 EB2端子板 G77
34 EB2端子板 6SX7 010-0KC00
35 CBP2通讯板 G91
36 CBP2通讯板 G93
37 CBP2通讯板 G95
38 CBP2通讯板 G97
39 CBP2通讯板 6SX7 010-0FF05
40 ADB适配板 K01
41 ADB适配板 K02
42 ADB适配板 6SE7 090-0XX84-0KA0
43 LBA数据总线适配器 K11
44 LBA数据总线适配器 6SE7 090-0XX84-4HA0
45 CUVC 板 6SE7 090-0XX84-0AB0
46 CUR 板 6SE7 090-0XX85-1DA0
47 CUSA 板 6SE7 090-0XX84-0BJ0
48 安全断电 K80
49 接地抗干扰 L03
50 工作IT电网 L20
51 带熔断器的逆变 L30
52 无熔断器的逆变 L33
53 IP20面板/尺寸G M20
54 IP20面板/尺寸F M20
55 IP20面板/尺寸E M20
56 T400工艺板 6DD1 606-0AD0
57 T400工艺板 6DD1 606-0AD1
58 T400连接电缆 6DD1 684-0GF0
59 T400编程软件 6DD1 801-4DA6
60 T400/“卷绕” 6DD1 842-0AA0
64 T400/“卷绕” 6DD1 842-0AA1
62 T400/“角同步控制” 6DD1 842-0AB0
63 T400/“角同步控制” 6DD1 842-0AB1
64 T400/“横切/剪切” 6DD1 842-0AD0
65 T400/“横切/剪切” 6DD1 842-0AD1
66 TSY同步板 6SE7 090-0XX84-0BA0
67 SCB1接口板 6SE7 090-0XX84-0BC0
68 SCB2接口板 6SE7 090-0XX84-0BD1
69 OP1S操作面板 6SE7 090-0XX84-2FK0
70 PMU操作面板 6SE7 090-0XX84-2FA0
MLFB Description Listprice_RMB
3AC 380-480V Converter unit
6SE7 035-1EK60 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 250KW 252,352
6SE7 036-0EK60 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 315KW 300,487
6SE7 037-0EK60 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 400KW 407,785
DC 510-650V Inverter unit
6SE7 035-1TJ60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 250KW 253,909
6SE7 036-0TJ60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 315KW 304,691
6SE7 037-0TJ60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 400KW 367,500
6SE7 038-6TK60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 500KW 448,350
6SE7 041-1TK60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 1100A, 630KW 630,095
6SE7 041-3TL60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 1300A, 710KW 721,636
6SE7 041-6TM60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 1630A, 900KW 902,045
6SE7 041-6TQ60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 1630A, 900KW 841,909
3AC 380-480V Rectifier unit
6SE7 024-1EB85-0AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier unit 3AC 380-480V, 15KW 7,253
6SE7 028-6EC85-0AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier unit 3AC 380-480V, 37KW 15,754
6SE7 031-7EE85-0AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier unit 3AC 380-480V, 75KW 23,211
6SE7 032-7EE85-0AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier unit 3AC 380-480V, 110KW 31,847
6SE7 033-8EE85-0AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier unit 3AC 380-480V, 160KW 44,262
6SE7 034-6EE85-0AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier unit 3AC 380-480V, 200KW 59,646
6SE7 036-1EE85-0AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier unit 3AC 380-480V, 250KW 90,873
6SE7 038-2EH85-0AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier unit 3AC 380-480V, 400KW 119,605
6SE7 041-0EH85-0AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier unit 3AC 380-480V, 500KW 141,654
6SE7 041-3EK85-0AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier unit 3AC 380-480V, 1333A, 630KW 170,386
6SE7 041-8EK85-0AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier unit 3AC 380-480V, 1780A, 800KW 207,804
3AC 380-480V Rectifier/Regenerative unit
6SE7 022-1EC85-1AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier/Regenerative unit 3AC 380-480V, 7.5KW 22,137
6SE7 024-1EC85-1AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier/Regenerative unit 3AC 380-480V, 15KW 25,125
6SE7 028-6EC85-1AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier/Regenerative unit 3AC 380-480V, 37KW 32,051
6SE7 031-7EE85-1AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier/Regenerative unit 3AC 380-480V, 75KW 37,853
6SE7 032-2EE85-1AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier/Regenerative unit 3AC 380-480V, 90KW 48,176
6SE7 033-1EE85-1AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier/Regenerative unit 3AC 380-480V, 132KW 63,695
6SE7 033-8EE85-1AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier/Regenerative unit 3AC 380-480V, 160KW 75,570
6SE7 034-6EE85-1AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier/Regenerative unit 3AC 380-480V, 200KW 93,113
6SE7 036-1EE85-1AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier/Regenerative unit 3AC 380-480V, 250KW 117,600
6SE7 038-2EH85-1AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier/Regenerative unit 3AC 380-480V, 400KW 182,414
6SE7 041-0EH85-1AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier/Regenerative unit 3AC 380-480V, 500KW 221,836
6SE7 041-3EK85-1AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier/Regenerative unit 3AC 380-480V, 1333A, 630KW 281,304
6SE7 041-8EK85-1AA0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier/Regenerative unit 3AC 380-480V, 1780A, 800KW 360,150
3AC 380-480V Rectifer unit for parallel
6SE7 041-3EK85-0AD0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier unit for parallel 3AC 380-480V, 1333A, 630KW 170,386
6SE7 041-8EK85-0AD0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier unit for parallel 3AC 380-480V, 1780A, 800KW 207,804
3AC 380-480V Rectifier/Regenerative unit for parallel
6SE7 041-3EK85-1AD0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier/Regenerative unit for parallel 3AC 380-480V, 1333A, 630KW 281,304
6SE7 041-8EK85-1AD0 SIMOVERT MD Rectifier/Regenerative unit for parallel 3AC 380-480V, 1780A, 800KW 360,150
6SE7 0 options(can't be delivered alone)
A00 Lift application 0
C11/13/14/15/16/17 Pulse generator board SBP, plugged into slot A/C/D/E/F/G 1,730
G21/23/25/27 Communication board CAN-bus CBC, plugged into slot A/C/E/G 4,040
G41/43/44/45/46/47 Communication board SIMOLINK SLB, plugged into slot A/C/D/E/F/G 4,259
G61/63/64/65/66/67 Terminal extension board EB1, plugged into slot A/C/D/E/F/G 3,314
G71/73/74/75/76/77 Terminal extension board EB2, plugged into slot A/C/D/E/F/G 2,577
G91/93/95/97 Communication board PROFIBUS CBP2, plugged into slot A/C/E/G 3,115
K01,K02 Adapter board ADB, plugged into position 2 or 3 1,212
K11 Local bus adapter LBA, built into the electronic box 1,089
K80 Safe off, for converters and inverters size E to Q 2,146
L03 Ground interference suppression when EMC filters are used, for size J to Q 2,352
M20 IP20 panel, size E, assembled with the drive 6,673
M20 IP20 panel, size F, assembled with the drive 7,692
M20 IP20 panel, size G, assembled with the drive 8,705
L30 Inverter fuses installed size E to G 2,857
L33 Compact inverters without fuses 469
MLFB Description
3AC 380-480V 6 Pulse
6SE7 131-0EB61-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, 45KW 118,586
6SE7 131-2EC61-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, 55KW 132,084
6SE7 131-5EC61-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, 75KW 148,474
6SE7 131-8EC61-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, 90KW 176,433
6SE7 132-1ED61-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, 110KW 211,141
6SE7 132-6ED61-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, 132KW 243,921
6SE7 133-2ED61-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, 160KW 273,808
6SE7 133-7ED61-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, 200KW 308,516
6SE7 135-1EE62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, 250KW 364,117
6SE7 136-0EE62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, 315KW 433,570
6SE7 137-0EE62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, 400KW 588,732
6SE7 138-6EG62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, 500KW 761,737
6SE7 141-1EH62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply 1100A, 630KW 955,399
6SE7 141-3EJ62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply 1300A, 710KW 1,239,437
2x3AC 380-480V 12 Pulse
6SE7 135-1KJ62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 2x3AC 380-480V, with 12 pulse incoming supply, 250KW 590,024
6SE7 137-0KJ62-3BA1 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 2x3AC 380-480V, with 12 pulse incoming supply, 400KW 742,371
6SE7 138-6KJ62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 2x3AC 380-480V, with 12 pulse incoming supply, 500KW 948,944
6SE7 141-1KL62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 2x3AC 380-480V, with 12 pulse incoming supply 1100A, 630KW 1,316,902
6SE7 141-3KM62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 2x3AC 380-480V, with 12 pulse incoming supply 1300A, 710KW 1,426,643
3AC 380-480V 6 Pulse with REG. Feedback
6SE7 131-0EC61-4BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, REG. feedback 92A, 45KW 218,838
6SE7 131-2ED61-4BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, REG. feedback 124A, 55KW 238,204
6SE7 131-5ED61-4BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, REG. feedback 146A, 75KW 248,533
6SE7 131-8ED61-4BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, REG. feedback 186A, 90KW 274,355
6SE7 132-1EE61-4BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, REG. feedback 210A, 110KW 344,718
6SE7 132-6EE61-4BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, REG. feedback 260A, 132KW 367,312
6SE7 133-2EE61-4BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, REG. feedback 315A, 160KW 402,171
6SE7 133-7EE61-4BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, REG. feedback 370A, 200KW 437,676
6SE7 135-1EF62-4BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, REG. feedback 510A, 250KW 586,150
6SE7 136-0EG62-4BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, REG. feedback 590A, 315KW 703,639
6SE7 137-0EG62-4BA1 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, REG. feedback 690A, 400KW 761,737
6SE7 138-6EG62-4BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, REG. feedback 860A, 500KW 865,024
6SE7 141-1EH62-4BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, REG. feedback 1100A, 630KW 1,149,061
6SE7 141-3EJ62-4BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 380-480V, with 6 pulse incoming supply, REG. feedback 1300A, 710KW 1,284,625
3AC 660-690V 6 Pulse
6SE7 132-1HD61-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 660-690V, with 6 pulse incoming supply 208A, 200KW 265,317
6SE7 133-0HE62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 660-690V, with 6 pulse incoming supply 297A, 250KW 409,272
6SE7 133-5HE62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 660-690V, with 6 pulse incoming supply 354A, 315KW 471,244
6SE7 134-5HE62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 660-690V, with 6 pulse incoming supply 452A, 400KW 578,404
6SE7 135-7HG62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 660-690V, with 6 pulse incoming supply 570A, 500KW 658,451
6SE7 136-5HG62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 660-690V, with 6 pulse incoming supply 650A, 630KW 826,291
6SE7 138-6HG62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 660-690V, with 6 pulse incoming supply 860A, 800KW 1,045,775
6SE7 141-1HJ62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 660-690V, with 6 pulse incoming supply 1080A, 1000KW 1,252,348
6SE7 141-2HJ62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 660-690V, with 6 pulse incoming supply 1230A, 1200KW 1,471,831
6SE7 141-4HL62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 660-690V, with 6 pulse incoming supply 1400A, 1300KW 1,581,573
6SE7 141-4HN62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 660-690V, with 6 pulse incoming supply 1400A, 1300KW 1,628,710
6SE7 141-6HL62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 660-690V, with 6 pulse incoming supply 1580A, 1500KW 1,697,770
6SE7 141-6HN62-3BA0 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet, 3AC 660-690V, with 6 pulse incoming supply 1580A, 1500KW 1,780,219
6SE7 1 options(can't be delivered alone)
C11/13/14/15/16/17 Pulse generator board SBP, plugged into slot A/C/D/E/F/G 1,730
G21/23/25/27 Communication board CANbus CBC, plugged into slot A/C/E/G 4,040
G41/43/44/45/46/47 Communication board SIMOLINK SLB, plugged into slot A/C/D/E/F/G 4,259
G61/63/64/65/66/67 Terminal extension board EB1, plugged into slot A/C/D/E/F/G 3,314
G71/73/74/75/76/77 Terminal extension board EB2, plugged into slot A/C/D/E/F/G 2,577
G91/93/95/97 Communication board PROFIBUS CBP2, plugged into slot A/C/E/G 3,115
K01,K02 Adapter board ADB, plugged into position 2 or 3 1,212
K08 Operator control panel OP1S built on cabinet door 2,261
K11 Local bus adapter LBA, built into the electronic box 1,089
K20 Serial interface board SCB1 3,810
K21 Serial interface board SCB2 4,116
K30 Digital tachometer and synchronizing board TSY 3,126
K41 Serial interface board SCI1: analogue & binary signals 10,839
K42 Serial interface board SCI2: analogue & binary signals 21,676
K50 Digital interface board DTI for digital tachometer 7,580
K51 DTI for T300, interface board DTI for digital tachometer 25,346
K60 ATI, interface board for analog tachometer 1,363
K73 Power supply 230V AC - 24V DC 7,913
K74 Power supply 380-690V AC - 230V AC 7,780
L41 Terminal strip for binary inputs and outputs 6,417
L42 Terminal strip for analog inputs and outputs 4,987
E06 Analog output 1, -10V~+10V / -10V~+10V 9,575
E07 Analog output 2, -10V~+10V / -10V~+10V 9,575
E16 Analog output 1, -10V~+10V / -20mA~+20mA 9,575
E17 Analog output 2, -10V~+10V / -20mA~+20mA 9,575
E26 Analog output 1, 0V~+10V / 4mA~20mA 9,575
E27 Analog output 2, 0V~+10V / 4mA~20mA 9,575
E46 Analog input 1, 0(4)mA~20mA / 0(4)mA~20mA 9,575
E47 Analog input 2, 0(4)mA~20mA / 0(4)mA~20mA 9,575
E56 Analog input 1, -10V~+10V / -10V~+10V 9,575
E57 Analog input 2, -10V~+10V / -10V~+10V 9,575
E66 Analog input 1, -20mA~+20mA / -10V~+10V 9,575
E67 Analog input 2, -20mA~+20mA / -10V~+10V 9,575
L00 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option radio interference suppression filter for 6 pulse, 400V, 45KW 21,543
L00 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option radio interference suppression filter for 6 pulse, 400V, 55KW 26,264
L00 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option radio interference suppression filter for 6 pulse, 400V, 75KW 29,123
L00 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option radio interference suppression filter for 6 pulse, 400V, 90KW 45,148
L00 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option radio interference suppression filter for 6 pulse, 400V, 110KW 45,148
L00 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option radio interference suppression filter for 6 pulse, 400V, 132KW 45,148
L00 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option radio interference suppression filter for 6 pulse, 400V, 160KW 45,148
L00 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option radio interference suppression filter for 6 pulse, 400V, 200KW 53,659
L00 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option radio interference suppression filter for 6 pulse, 400V, 250KW 62,368
L00 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option radio interference suppression filter for 6 pulse, 400V, 315KW 62,368
L00 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option radio interference suppression filter for 6 pulse, 400V, 400KW 125,667
L00 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option radio interference suppression filter for 6 pulse, 400V, 500KW 125,667
L08 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option output reactor(iron core) for 6 pulse, 400V, 45KW 10,974
L08 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option output reactor(iron core) for 6 pulse, 400V, 55KW 13,944
L08 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option output reactor(iron core) for 6 pulse, 400V, 75KW 13,944
L08 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option output reactor(iron core) for 6 pulse, 400V, 90KW 15,493
L08 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option output reactor(iron core) for 6 pulse, 400V, 110KW 17,166
L08 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option output reactor(iron core) for 6 pulse, 400V, 132KW 17,166
L08 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option output reactor(iron core) for 6 pulse, 400V, 160KW 18,726
L08 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option output reactor(iron core) for 6 pulse, 400V, 200KW 21,197
L08 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option output reactor(iron core) for 6 pulse, 400V, 250KW 43,552
L08 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option output reactor(iron core) for 6 pulse, 400V, 315KW 53,192
L08 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option output reactor(iron core) for 6 pulse, 400V, 400KW 58,778
L08 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option output reactor(iron core) for 6 pulse, 400V, 500KW 68,086
L13 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option main contactor for 6 pulse, 400V, 45KW 11,769
L13 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option main contactor for 6 pulse, 400V, 55KW 11,769
L13 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option main contactor for 6 pulse, 400V, 75KW 13,764
L13 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option main contactor for 6 pulse, 400V, 90KW 13,764
L13 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option main contactor for 6 pulse, 400V, 110KW 17,022
L13 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option main contactor for 6 pulse, 400V, 132KW 17,022
L13 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option main contactor for 6 pulse, 400V, 160KW 17,022
L13 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option main contactor for 6 pulse, 400V, 200KW 19,881
L13 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option main contactor for 6 pulse, 400V, 250KW 47,010
L13 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option main contactor for 6 pulse, 400V, 315KW 47,010
L13 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option main contactor for 6 pulse, 400V, 400KW 52,262
L13 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option main contactor for 6 pulse, 400V, 500KW 52,262
L13 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option main contactor for 6 pulse, 400V, 630KW 52,278
L13 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option main contactor for 6 pulse, 400V, 710KW 52,278
C64 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option braking resistors(supplied separately), 400V, 10KW 4,262
C67 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option braking resistors(supplied separately), 400V, 20KW 6,350
C71 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option braking resistors(supplied separately), 400V, 50KW 18,218
C74 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option braking resistors(supplied separately), 400V, 100KW 20,679
C77 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option braking resistors(supplied separately), 400V, 170KW 41,623
L64 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option braking units, 400V, 10KW 10,839
L67 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option braking units, 400V, 20KW 14,163
L71 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option braking units, 400V, 50KW 18,218
L74 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option braking units, 400V, 100KW 38,898
L77 SIMOVERT MD Cabinet builtin option braking units, 400V, 170KW 46,079
L87 Insulation monitor for nonearthed systems(IT system) 51,371
M05 Cabinet size B, sealed with baseplate at the bottom 1,995
M05 Cabinet size C, sealed with baseplate at the bottom 2,727
M05 Cabinet size D, sealed with baseplate at the bottom 4,555
M05 Cabinet size E, sealed with baseplate at the bottom 4,721
M05 Cabinet size G, sealed with baseplate at the bottom 6,716
M05 Cabinet size H, sealed with baseplate at the bottom 7,447
M05 Cabinet size J, sealed with baseplate at the bottom 9,309
M23 Cabinet size B, degree of protection IP23 13,099
M23 Cabinet size C, degree of protection IP23 16,823
M23 Cabinet size D, degree of protection IP23 24,004
M23 Cabinet size E, degree of protection IP23 29,921
M23 Cabinet size G, degree of protection IP23 43,020
M23 Cabinet size H, degree of protection IP23 46,744
M23 Cabinet size J, degree of protection IP23 53,925
M43 Cabinet size B, degree of protection IP43 15,626
M43 Cabinet size C, degree of protection IP43 21,942
M43 Cabinet size D, degree of protection IP43 29,456
M43 Cabinet size E, degree of protection IP43 37,568
M43 Cabinet size G, degree of protection IP43 53,192
M43 Cabinet size H, degree of protection IP43 59,510
M43 Cabinet size J, degree of protection IP43 67,156
M70 Cabinet size B, EMC Shield for converter output 1,277
M70 Cabinet size C, EMC Shield for converter output 1,436
M70 Cabinet size D, EMC Shield for converter output 2,314
M70 Cabinet size E, EMC Shield for converter output 2,554
M70 Cabinet size G, EMC Shield for converter output 2,554
M70 Cabinet size H, EMC Shield for converter output 2,554
M70 Cabinet size J, EMC Shield for converter output 2,554
6SE7 016-1EA61 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 2.2KW 16,719
6SE7 018-0EA61 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 3KW 18,198
6SE7 021-0EA61 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 4KW 20,033
6SE7 021-3EB61 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 5.5KW 22,784
6SE7 021-8EB61 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 7.5KW 26,452
6SE7 022-6EC61 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 11KW 32,870
6SE7 023-4EC61 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 15KW 40,278
6SE7 023-8ED61 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 18.5KW 46,696
6SE7 024-7ED61 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 22KW 51,987
6SE7 026-0ED61 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 30KW 64,613
6SE7 027-2ED61 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 37KW 74,065
6SE7 016-1TA61 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 2.2KW 16,506
6SE7 018-0TA61 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 3KW 17,917
6SE7 021-0TA61 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 4KW 19,539
6SE7 021-3TB61 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 5.5KW 22,361
6SE7 021-8TB61 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 7.5KW 25,676
6SE7 022-6TC61 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 11KW 31,390
6SE7 023-4TC61 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 15KW 36,750
6SE7 023-8TD61 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 18.5KW 44,651
6SE7 024-7TD61 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 22KW 49,377
6SE7 026-0TD61 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 30KW 60,734
6SE7 027-2TD61 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 37KW 69,339
6SE7 031-0EE60 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 45KW 81,920
6SE7 031-2EF60 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 55KW 91,245
6SE7 031-5EF60 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 75KW 102,567
6SE7 031-8EF60 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 90KW 121,882
6SE7 032-1EG60 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 110KW 145,858
6SE7 032-6EG60 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 132KW 168,502
6SE7 033-2EG60 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 160KW 189,149
6SE7 033-7EG60 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 380-480V, 200KW 213,125
6SE7 026-0HF60 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 660-690V, 55KW 104,931
6SE7 028-2HF60 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 660-690V, 75KW 117,952
6SE7 031-0HG60 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 660-690V, 90KW 140,164
6SE7 031-2HG60 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 660-690V, 110KW 167,737
6SE7 031-5HG60 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 660-690V, 132KW 193,778
6SE7 031-7HG60 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 660-690V, 160KW 217,521
6SE7 032-1HG60 SIMOVERT MD Converter unit 3AC 660-690V, 200KW 245,094
6SE7 031-0TE60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 45KW 73,927
6SE7 031-2TF60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 55KW 82,586
6SE7 031-5TF60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 75KW 93,243
6SE7 031-8TF60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 90KW 110,558
6SE7 032-1TG60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 110KW 131,871
6SE7 032-6TG60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 132KW 151,852
6SE7 033-2TG60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 160KW 170,500
6SE7 033-7TG60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 510-650V, 200KW 181,157
6SE7 026-0WF60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 890-930V, 55KW 94,974
6SE7 028-2WF60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 890-930V, 75KW 107,229
6SE7 031-0WG60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 890-930V, 90KW 127,142
6SE7 031-2WG60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 890-930V, 110KW 151,652
6SE7 031-5WG60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 890-930V, 132KW 174,630
6SE7 031-7WG60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 890-930V, 160KW 196,075
6SE7 032-1WG60 SIMOVERT MD Inverter unit DC 890-930V, 200KW 208,330
6SE7 018-0ES87-2DA1-Z M08 SIMOVERT MD Braking unit DC 510-650V, 5KW 8,805
6SE7 021-6ES87-2DA1-Z M08 SIMOVERT MD Braking unit DC 510-650V, 10KW 9,772
6SE7 023-2ES87-2DA1-Z M08 SIMOVERT MD Braking unit DC 510-650V, 20KW 11,958
6SE7 028-0ES87-2DA1-Z M08 SIMOVERT MD Braking unit DC 510-650V, 50KW 14,851
6SE7 031-6EB87-2DA1-Z M08 SIMOVERT MD Braking unit DC 510-650V, 100KW 22,539
6SE7 032-7EB87-2DA1-Z M08 SIMOVERT MD Braking unit DC 510-650V, 170KW 33,825
6SE7 025-3HS87-2DA1-Z M08 SIMOVERT MD Braking unit DC 890-930V, 50KW 15,263
6SE7 032-1HB87-2DA1-Z M08 SIMOVERT MD Braking unit DC 890-930V, 200KW 39,598
6SE7 018-0ES87-2DC0 SIMOVERT MD Braking resistor DC 510-650V, 5KW 2,159
6SE7 021-6ES87-2DC0 SIMOVERT MD Braking resistor DC 510-650V, 10KW 3,379
6SE7 023-2ES87-2DC0 SIMOVERT MD Braking resistor DC 510-650V, 20KW 5,023
6SE7 028-0ES87-2DC0 SIMOVERT MD Braking resistor DC 510-650V, 50KW 8,718
6SE7 031-6ES87-2DC0 SIMOVERT MD Braking resistor DC 510-650V, 100KW 15,906
6SE7 032-7ES87-2DC0 SIMOVERT MD Braking resistor DC 510-650V, 170KW 34,071
6SE7 025-3HS87-2DC0 SIMOVERT MD Braking resistor DC 890-930V, 50KW 10,025
6SE7 032-1HS87-2DC0 SIMOVERT MD Braking resistor DC 890-930V, 200KW 39,182
6SE7 021-0ES87-0FB1 SIMOVERT MD Radio interference suppression filter
3AC 380-480V, 12A, CLASS B1
6SE7 021-8ES87-0FB1 SIMOVERT MD Radio interference suppression filter
3AC 380-480V, 17.5A, CLASS B1
6SE7 023-4ES87-0FB1 SIMOVERT MD Radio interference suppression filter
3AC 380-480V, 34A, CLASS B1
6SE7 027-2ES87-0FB1 SIMOVERT MD Radio interference suppression filter
3AC 380-480V, 72A, CLASS B1
6SE7 031-2ES87-0FA1 SIMOVERT MD Radio interference suppression filter
3AC 380-480V, 120A, CLASS A1
6SE7 031-8ES87-0FA1 SIMOVERT MD Radio interference suppression filter
3AC 380-480V, 186A, CLASS A1
6SE7 033-2ES87-0FA1 SIMOVERT MD Radio interference suppression filter
3AC 380-480V, 320A, CLASS A1
6SE7 016-1EA87-1FC0 SIMOVERT MD Sine wave filter 3AC 380-480V, 6.1A 9,383
6SE7 021-0EB87-1FC0 SIMOVERT MD Sine wave filter 3AC 380-480V, 10.2A 11,850
Braking unit
Braking resistor
6SE7 021-8EB87-1FC0 SIMOVERT MD Sine wave filter 3AC 380-480V, 17.5A 16,577
6SE7 022-6EC87-1FC0 SIMOVERT MD Sine wave filter 3AC 380-480V, 25.5A 21,233
6SE7 023-4EC87-1FC0 SIMOVERT MD Sine wave filter 3AC 380-480V, 34A 26,594
6SE7 024-7ED87-1FC0 SIMOVERT MD Sine wave filter 3AC 380-480V, 47A 33,788
6SE7 027-2ED87-1FC0 SIMOVERT MD Sine wave filter 3AC 380-480V, 72A 37,386
6SE7 031-0EE87-1FH0 SIMOVERT MD Sine wave filter 3AC 380-480V, 92A 48,602
6SE7 031-5EF87-1FH0 SIMOVERT MD Sine wave filter 3AC 380-480V, 146A 74,770
6SE7 031-8EF87-1FH0 SIMOVERT MD Sine wave filter 3AC 380-480V, 186A 90,993
6SE7 032-6EG87-1FH0 SIMOVERT MD Sine wave filter 3AC 380-480V, 260A 129,789
6SE7 016-2FB87-1FD0 SIMOVERT MD Output dv/dt filter 3AC 380-480V, FP=3kHZ, 6.1A 12,414
6SE7 021-5FB87-1FD0 SIMOVERT MD Output dv/dt filter 3AC 380-480V, FP=3kHZ, 17.5A 13,402
6SE7 022-2FC87-1FD0 SIMOVERT MD Output dv/dt filter 3AC 380-480V, FP=3kHZ, 25.5A 16,294
6SE7 023-4FC87-1FD0 SIMOVERT MD Output dv/dt filter 3AC 380-480V, FP=3kHZ, 34A 17,988
6SE7 024-7FC87-1FD0 SIMOVERT MD Output dv/dt filter 3AC 380-480V, FP=3kHZ, 47A 20,527
6SE7 026-0HE87-1FD0 SIMOVERT MD Output dv/dt filter 3AC 380-690V, FP=3kHZ, 60-61A 31,813
6SE7 028-2HE87-1FD0 SIMOVERT MD Output dv/dt filter 3AC 380-690V, FP=3kHZ, 72-82A 39,502
6SE7 031-2HS87-1FD0 SIMOVERT MD Output dv/dt filter 3AC 380-690V, FP=3kHZ, 92-118A 43,382
6SE7 031-7HS87-1FD0 SIMOVERT MD Output dv/dt filter 3AC 380-690V, FP=3kHZ, 146-171A 59,781
6SE7 032-3HS87-1FD0 SIMOVERT MD Output dv/dt filter 3AC 380-690V, FP=3kHZ, 186-208A 59,252
6SE7 033-0HS87-1FD0 SIMOVERT MD Output dv/dt filter 3AC 380-690V, FP=3kHZ, 260-297A 75,476
6SE7 033-5HS87-1FD0 SIMOVERT MD Output dv/dt filter 3AC 380-690V, FP=3kHZ, 315-354A 81,118
6SE7 034-5HS87-1FD0 SIMOVERT MD Output dv/dt filter 3AC 380-690V, FP=3kHZ, 370-452A 102,280
6SE7 090-0XA87-3CA1 Connecting adapter for cable looms, size A 662
6SE7 090-0XB87-3CA1 Connecting adapter for cable looms, size B 662
6SE7 090-0XC87-3CA1 Connecting adapter for cable looms, size C 662
6SE7 090-0XD87-3CA1 Connecting adapter for cable looms, size D 662
6SE7 090-0XE87-3AC0 IP20 panel,size E, retrofit kit 4,535
6SE7 090-0XF87-3AC0 IP20 panel,size F, retrofit kit 4,761
6SE7 090-0XG87-3AC0 IP20 panel,size G, retrofit kit 6,984
6SE7 080-0QX60 Compendium, German 2,330
6SE7 087-6NX60 Collected operation instructions G/E 2,828
6SE7 087-6QX60 Compendium, English 2,330
6SE7 090-0XX84-0BA0 Tachometer and synchronising board TSY 1,798
6SE7 090-0XX84-0BC0 Serial interface board SCB1 2,878
6SE7 090-0XX84-0BD1 Serial interface board SCB2 3,146
6SE7 090-0XX84-2FK0 OP1S, operator control panel 2,187
6SE7 090-0XX84-3DB1 Interface board DTI, for digital tachometer with short-form instruction 3,030
6SE7 090-0XX84-3EA0 Serial interface board SCI1, for analogue and binary signals 3,957
6SE7 090-0XX84-3EF0 Serial interface board SCI2, for binary signals 2,737
6SE7 090-0XX84-4HA0 Local bus adapter LBA 529
6SX7005-0AA00 Interface converter, SU1 RS232-RS485, incl.mounting accessories;
supply, 1AC 115/230V
6SX7010-0EJ00 Voltage sensing board VSB 4,938
6SX7010-0FA00 Pulse generator board SBP, retrofit kit with short-form instruction 2,418
6SX7010-0FF05 Communication board PROFIBUS CBP2, with short-form instruction 3,232
Options ( can be deliveried alone)
6SX7010-0FG00 Communication board CAN-bus CBC, retrofit kit with short-form
6SX7010-0FJ00 Communication board SIMOLINK SLB, retrofit kit with short-form
6SX7010-0FJ50 System package for SLB with connectors and 100mplastic fiber
optic cable
6SE7 090-0XX84-0KA0 Adapter board ADB 1,290
6SX7010-0KB00 Terminal extension board EB1, retrofit kit with short-form instruction 4,056
6SX7010-0KC00 Terminal extension board EB2, retrofit kit with short-form instruction 2,772
L30 Inverter fuses installed size E to G 2,738
L33 Compact inverters without fuses 450
M20 IP20 panel, size E, assembled with the drive 6,779
M20 IP20 panel, size F, assembled with the drive 7,814
M20 IP20 panel, size G, assembled with the drive 8,843
C11/13/14/15/16/17 Pulse generator board SBP, plugged into slot A/C/D/E/F/G 1,658
G21/23/25/27 Communication board CAN-bus CBC, plugged into slot A/C/E/G 3,872
G41/43/44/45/46/47 Communication board SIMOLINK SLB, plugged into slot A/C/D/E/F/G 4,081
G61/63/64/65/66/67 Terminal extension board EB1, plugged into slot A/C/D/E/F/G 3,175
G71/73/74/75/76/77 Terminal extension board EB2, plugged into slot A/C/D/E/F/G 2,470
G91/93/95/97 Communication board PROFIBUS CBP2, plugged into slot A/C/E/G 2,985
K01/02 Adapter board ADB, plugged into position 2 or 3 1,162
K11 Local bus adapter LBA, built into the electronic box 1,043
L20 Operation on Non-earthed systems(IT), for size A to H 1,370
K80 Safe off, for converters and inverters size E to Q 2056
Options ( can't be deliveried alone)