PTL T03.35CB推荐灼热丝试验仪,PTL
PTL灼热丝试验是 IEC6 0695-2-10 :2000 ~ IEC6 0695-2-13 :2000 《灼热丝 / 热线,基本试验方法,灼热丝试验装置和通用试验程序》和 UL 746A 、 IEC829 DIN695 、 VDE0471 等标准规定使用无火焰起燃源程序仿真试验项目。
PTL灼热丝试验仪是将规定材质 和形状的电热丝用大电流加热至试验温度 ( 550 ℃ ~ 960 ℃ )1min 后,以规定压力 (1.0N) 垂直灼烫试品 30s ,视试品和铺垫物是否起燃或持燃时间来测定电工电子设备成品的着火危险性;测定固体绝缘材料及其它固体可燃材料的起燃性、起燃温度 (GWIT) 、可燃性和可燃性指数 (GWFI) 。PTL 灼热丝试验仪适用于照明设备、低压电器、家用电器、机床电器、电机、电动工具、电子仪器、电工仪表、信息技术设备、电气事务设备、电气连接件和辅件等电工电子产品及其组件部件的研究、生产和质检部门,也适用于绝缘材料、工程塑料或其它固体可燃材料行业。
(2) 生产厂商:德国PTL公司
(4) 试验装置设计成使灼热丝保持在一个水平面上,1N砝码悬挂于机箱内部,不易遭外界腐蚀而改变重量。它对样品施加1N的力,灼热丝或试验样品在水平方向相对移动至少7mm距离的过程中一直保持此压力值。
(15) 试品移动速度:10mm/s~20mm/s;一般被调至16 mm/s.
Glow Wire Tester
1. Overview
Electrical components or parts in the failure or overload conditions, may reach too high a temperature or light around them, spare parts, hot wire overload test simulation of the resistance of components or the like heat or ignition sources in a short time caused by thermal stress, simulated technical evaluation of the fire danger.
Glow wire test is IEC6 0695-2-10: 2000 ~ IEC6 0695-2-13: 2000 "hot wire / hot, the basic test method, hot wire test equipment and common testing procedures" and UL 746A, IEC829 DIN695, VDE0471 standards from the requirement to use non-flame ignition source simulation of pilot projects.
Glow Wire Tester is provided material and shape of the electric wire with high current heated to test temperature (550 ℃ ~ 960 ℃) 1min later, to provide pressure (1.0N) vertical test materials burned with 30s, depending on test items and bedding whether the light-off or time to determine who fired the finished electrical and electronic equipment, fire risk; measurement of solid insulating materials and other solid combustible materials from flammable, light-off temperature (GWIT), flammability and the flammability index (GWFI).
Glow Wire Tester for lighting, low voltage electrical appliances, household appliances, electrical tools, electrical machinery, power tools, electronic instruments, electrical instruments, information technology equipment, electrical servicing equipment, electrical connectors and accessories such as electrical and electronic products and their groups pieces of components research, production and quality control departments, also applies to insulating materials, engineering plastics, or other solid combustible materials industry.
2. Device Profile:
(1) Model: T03.35
(2) Manufacturer: Germany PTL Company
(3) CB laboratory designated factory