The Model CKX6140 is a full-enclosed CNC lathe built with an integral machine base casting, linear roller bedways, a 40o in-clined machine bed and fully-enclosed protection guard. The ma-chine features in high rigidity, high working speed and high machin - ing acouracy. Therefore, the machine is well- recommended for batch-production of vanous precision components of complicated design
Features: ◆Linear roller bedways. ◆Integral and robust machine base with an inclined machine bed. ◆Imported spindle bearings featuring in high running speed and high precision. ◆A rationally arranged full-enclosed safety guard to secure perfect production safety. ◆An automatic lubrication system to assure proper lubrication for all moving parts. ◆Either the Siemens or the Fanuc CNC system to be selected upon the user′s request. ◆A pneumatic chuck or a hydraulic chuck to be selected upon the user′s request.