USB Data Link (Smart Sync) User Guide
在开始使用Item Link功能之前,请将Item Link分享线分别连接在两台电脑的USB端口,请参照以下步骤完成连接:
Before use, please set this deviceLinklines to connected to the two computer's USB port, please refer to the following steps to complete the connection:
Connect the stick to a standard USB port on one of the two computers. User can connect the stick to either computer.
Connect the stick to a USB port on a second computer.
Wait until Windows has finished installing device driver software on both computers.
If the EzODD application fails to start automatically:
Open “My Computer” on the computer with the optical disc drive installed (the server computer), and double click the EzODD Plus icon to start the application.
If that fails, right click the icon, select “Open” and double click “ExODDPlus.exe”.
The EasyCopy application will open on both computers. Close the application that appears on the computer without an optical disc drive. Users are now ready to operate the EasyCopy application.
Now, open the application anduser will see content in each computer, then user can cut, copy, or drag-n-drop files from each other.
Use the EasyCopy application that appears on the server computer (with the optical disc drive user want to share).User can enjoy all the functions available from the ODD, including playing music, watching movies, burning to disc, backing up important data, installing software from a CD, and even rebooting user computer from an external disc drive when everything else fails.
Supports multi-language operating system:Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese,English, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese,Spanish, German, French, Russian, Italian。
SupportsWindows2000 / XP / Vista and Windows7。
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