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SONCAP包括两个阶段。阶段称为“产品认证”(Product Certification),仅适用于初次向尼日利亚出口某一特定类别的管制产品。通过产品认证的出口商可获得“产品证书”(Product Certificate),证书有效期最长可达三年。第二阶段称为“尼日利亚国家标准局强制性合格评定程序认证”(以下简称SONCAP认证),适用于某一批装船前货物。上述两项认证均在尼日利亚国家标准局驻出口国办事处(SON Country Office)办理。
1. All electrical and electronic products that could be used by members of the public whether in their homes or otherwise e.g in residential, office, retail, leisure etc environments. Examples include, but are not limited to, household appliances, IT products, communication products, lighting products, audio-visual products
2. Motor vehicle tyres
3. Automotive glass
4. Vehicle spare parts
5. Motor vehicle batteries
6. Gas Appliances
7. Toys
8. Certain galvanised steel products
9. Food and Food Products