美国 百力威专业生产 特种润滑油
Bel-Ray Synthetic Gear Oil 合成齿轮油通过 OEM厂家认证和使用,用于弗兰德减速机,博世 乐力士,比赛洛斯矿机,利波海尔矿机,通用电机,
Bel-Ray Synthetic Gear Oil合成齿轮油是闭式齿轮油,由合成烃和酯基础油精制而成,具有出色的粘温性能,极低的摩擦系数,同矿物油兼容,产品ISO VG 220, ISO VG 320, ISO VG 460用于码头,电梯,水泥,钢铁等行业齿轮箱。
SYNTHETIC GEAR OIL Synthetic Gear Oil, an enclosed gear lubricant, is a totally synthetic hydrocarbon and ester combination, Extreme Pressure lubricant offering outstanding Extreme Pressure and anti-wear properties, as well as excellent viscosity-temperature properties, and extremely low coefficients of friction and traction. Synthetic Gear Oil is compatible with mineral oils. Grades ISO VG 220, ISO VG 320, ISO VG 460 are approved by Flender. Grade ISO VG 460 is approved by LeTourneau. Grades ISO VG 220, ISO VG 320, ISO VG 460 are approved by Bosch Rexroth. Grades ISO VG 320, ISO VG 460 are certified for Caterpillar SD4721 Part A Specification for dragline enclosed gear case lubricant.
A. Friedr. FLENDER GmbH
Bosch Rexroth AG
Bucyrus International
LeTourneau, Inc.
合成齿轮油通过 OEM厂家认证和使用,用于弗兰德减速机,博世 乐力士,比赛洛斯矿机,利波海尔矿机,通用电机,
Bel-Ray Synthetic Gear Oil合成齿轮油是闭式齿轮油,由合成烃和酯基础油精制而成,具有出色的粘温性能,极低的摩擦系数,同矿物油兼容,产品ISO VG 220, ISO VG 320, ISO VG 460用于码头,电梯,水泥,钢铁等行业齿轮箱。
General Electric
Liebherr Mining Equipment
Tetra Pak Tebel B.V.