福州中贸STL国际空运 门到门空运 门到港空运
1.公司规模 Scale
2.国际专线服务 International Special Line ServiceSTL
3.国际空运服务 International Airfreight Service
A.空运(货到机场):根据客户需要提供不同的航空公司将货物运送至目的地机场后,通知收件人自行办理清关、提货手续。是一种针对大宗货物出口的传统航空运输方式。Airfreight (Cargo to the Airport): According to the requirements of the customer, STL provides different airlines to send the goods to the destination airport, and notifies the recipient to handle the custom clearance and delivery formalities. It is a mode of traditional air transportation to export bulky goods in large quantity.
B.空运+派送(货到门):介于快递与空运的一种航空运输方式,经由本土航空公司承运至国外指定机场后,借助当地知名快递公司的清关与分拨能力,将货物派送至收货人手中。其经济,便捷的服务获得众多客户的青睐。Air freight & Delivery(Door to Door) : It is a mode of air transportation which is between express delivery and airfreight. After the goods are carried to the designated overseas airport through the native airlines, with the help of local well-known courier companies which will take care of customs clearance and distribution, the goods will be delivered to the consignee. Because of its economical, and convenient service