Medical hardware 产品用于医疗器材产品,产品规格特点小,精度高,符合环保。可以根据客人图纸来订做。 1.材质青铜材,导电性能好! 2.产品符合RoHS要求 3.表面表面良好的耐磨、耐酸碱腐蚀(48小时盐雾测试)、耐高低温! 4.产品应用于心电图,微电波传送接收良好! Products used in medical equipment product, the product specification characteristics small, high precision, accord with environmental protection. According to the customers order can be the blueprint. 1. The copper material, electric performance is good! 2. Products comply with RoHS requirements 3. Surface good abrasion resistance, surface naisuanjian corrosion (48 hours salt spray test), high and low temperature resistance. 4. Products used in the electrocardiogram, slightly inaudible receives well!