防爆浮球开关电议 适用范围 Application
2.适用于IIA、n B类T1_T4组类爆炸性气体或蒸汽场所。
1.Zonel.Zone2 hazardous gasplaces
2.Explosivegas or steam atmosphere:classⅡliB;it's temperature grade:class T1_T4
防爆浮球开关电议 产品特色 Features
1.产品由内装触点的隔爆壳体与浮球两大部分组成,浮球受液位的变 化通过磁力轴的摆动,实现对液位的报警控制:
2.隔爆壳体为铸铝合金铸造成形,表面喷塑;浮球为 Grl8Ni9不锈钢制成;
1.The products are made offloat ball and isolating explosion bodyoseathat build-in contact.thefloatwillalarmand
control with the magnetic force axis swaying while the liqand line changing.
2.Theisola~ngexplosion caseismadeofcasingaluminium alloyandthe surfaosis spayedwith plastic.Thefloatpall
3.Themoveablepartsoffloatpall separateW 1thecontactor willavoidtheleakaging ofliquidlevel controller.
4.Suitable for GB3836-2000 IEC60079 standard request
联 系 人 : 吴 士 中 (先生)
T E L :0 5 7 7 - 6 1 7 8 1 8 1 2 1 8 9 6 8 8 2 5 3 8 3
传 真 :0 5 7 7 - 6 1 7 8 0 7 5 9 Q Q :2 4 3 5 4 0 6 6 0 9