1刮不花 Scratch Resistance
摩式硬度极高( 6.5 度),高度防划伤,耐磨损:用铲刀、壁纸刀、钢丝球等铁器都无法讲其划伤、磨损,这是目前市面上任何一种石英石水槽材料都无法比拟的优点。
2灼不伤 Heat Resistance
3无色变 Non-color-fading
4无形变 Non-shape-transformation
5性价比高 High Quanlity & Reasonable Price
6持久美丽,历久常新 Timeless Beauty
7自然感 Natural Beauty
8抗污染 Stain Resistance
9抗菌原理 Anti Bacetrial
该面材表面层和材料内部结构同样致密均匀,无毛细孔和缝隙,加之内置一定高质量的抗菌元素,故杜绝细菌滋生、安全洁净,有益食品卫生和人体健康。 材质表里密度高而均匀 + 抗菌素 → 抗菌
10环保卫生、无辐射 Non-radiational
11抗腐蚀 Anti Corruption
Granite composite sink is one of the most durable sink materials on the market today. Granite on its ow has a high-density hardness. Coupling that with the filler polymers used to bind the composite materials together, makes for an extremely hard-wearing, stain, scratch and chip-resistant surface that ca withstand heat up to 535 degrees Fahrenheit.
How to Care for Granite Composite Sink
1.Rinse the sink. Remove any debris stuck to the sides or lingering in the basin. Use a washcloth to clean any spots that are particularly difficult to remove.
2. Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Apple cider vinegar will give the mixture and your sink a more tolerable smell. The acidic mix will kill bacteria. Spray the mixture over the entire surface of the granite, and wipe it down gently with your washcloth.
3. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes. Then rinse the washcloth and wipe the sink with water again.
4. Make a mixture of baking soda and water and rub it on the granite, perhaps with a toothbrush. This mixture should be abrasive enough to remove any stuck-on particles while not hurting the granite.
5. Rinse the baking soda and water mixture. Then dry the granite with a cloth or paper towel.
How to Clean a Granite Composite Sink
1. Rinse the sink thoroughly to remove any stuck-on dirt and debris with clean water and a soft clean cloth for more problematic spots.
2. Mix a solution of vinegar and water in equal parts in a spray bottle. Spray the sink and gently scrub with a soft, clean cloth.
3. Rinse the sink again with clean water.
4. Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it to stubborn stains. Gently scrub the paste in with a soft, clean cloth and rinse with warm water.
5. Wipe the sink with a dry clean tow el.
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