The AD-5R7-001 is a bi-directional, H-bridge controller designed to control thermoelectric modules with the option to set as unidirectional. The controller accepts an input voltage of 12-36VDC. The output voltage can range from 0 to 36VDC if a dual supply is used. The load circuit is pulse width modulated at 2.7KHz and delivers a load of .1 to 25 Amps. Temperature resolution for this controller is 0.01°F, providing end point control stability up to ±0.01°C in a well designed thermal system.
The H-bridge configuration allows for a seamless transition between heating and cooling. Using a
PC with an RS232 interface, the controller can be set for any of the following control configurations:
On/Off control, differential temperature control, manual control or any combination of PID control.
The user friendly software requires no programming experience to set up the controller.
The RS232 interface has isolation from all the electronic circuitry minimizing the interference from noise or errant signals.
Once the controller is set up, the computer may be disconnected and the controller becomes a stand alone unit. If the computer is left connected, it can be used for data acquisition in a half duplex mode.
The temperature may also be set through the optional display or through a remote potentiometer.
The PC software also provides for several alarm types and the controller has 3 outputs for alarms. In the set up menu the alarm function may be set as no alarm, tracking alarm, fixed value alarm or computer controlled alarm. The menu also offers selections for latching and for maintaining or cutting the power during an alarm. The alarm sensor may be the control temperature sensor or a secondary sensor.
• H-Bridge Control
• PC Programmable
• PID or On/Off Control
• PC Configurable Alarm Circuit
• 0-36 VDC Output using dual Power Supply
• RS232 Communication Port
• RoHS Compliant
• Set Temperature range of –40 to 250°C
Large program memory space for customization
• Input Voltage: 12 to 36 VDC
• Output Voltage: 0 to 36 VDC using dual Power
• Load Current: 0.1 to 25 A
• PID Functions:
• Bandwidth : 0.1 to 50°C
• Integral: 0 to 10 repeats per minute
• Derivative: 0 to 10 minutes
• PWM Base Frequency: 2.7 Khz
• Ambient Temperature range: -20 to 70°C
• Power Dissipation: <10 Watts
• Process Control Rate: 90 time per second
• Output Power Resolution: ± 0.2%
• Control Resolution: ± 0.01°C
• 2.64” H x 6” W x 4.509” D
• Customer Drawing: CDR-00120