Dk77系列数控电火花切割机 DK77 Series NC EDM Wire Cutting
数控功能 Numeric Control Functions 单片机控制系统 ·输入方式:键盘、纸带或直接与编程机通讯。 ·控制功能:任意角度旋转、平移、指令倒走、比例缩放、快速校零、断电数据保护、短路自动回退、加工结束自动关机等功能。 ·并行工作:加工控制同时可输入编辑程序和进行快速回零工作。 ·程序容量:2158条加工指令。 Single-Chip Control System ·Input:Keyboard,downlood Brom lomputer. ·Fuctiens:turn in any angle,translational motion,in structions run backword,zoom in proportion,Bind Origin Bast,data memorale,auto back in short circuit,shut down after working,etc. ·Parallel working:input program and working in the same time. ·Program Capacticy:2158items of work instrution
电脑编程控制系统 ·采用计算机作为控制系统,稳定可靠。 ·集编程控制于一体,双CPU结构,编程、控制可同时进行。 ·采用ISOG指令,兼容3B代码,可识别AUTOCAD的DXF图形工作。 ·绘图式编程,方便、直观、易学。 ·加工轨迹及加工数据实时跟踪显示,可四轴联动,上下异形面加工。 ·具有停电记忆,断路回退,断丝急停,加工结束自动停机等功能。 Computer Control System ·Adopt the computer as control system,stable and reliable 2.Programming,controlling at the same time 3.Adopt ISO-G and 3B mode,transfering AUTOCAD auto mattically 4.Drawing's programming,convenient and easy 5.Display the work trail and data real time,4-axis combined motion,working with different shape 6.Data memoriable,auto back in short,quickly stop when wire break,shut down after processing,etc