宇恒户外用品有限公司位于“中国刀剪之都”-广东省阳江市,距离广州220公里,公司成立于1985年,现址位于广东省阳江市阳东新江南路边,是一家集设计,生产和销售高档多功能钳剪,鱼刀,钓鱼钳,钓鱼配件,冻肉锯,工具卡等一系列户外用品和五金礼品。厂房面积达二万多平方米,建筑面积达一万三千平方米标准厂房、宿舍和现代化办公大楼。经过多年的奋斗创新,不断地吸纳专业技术及人才,不断地更新设备,拥有模具设计制造一体化,公司自创和引进了多套先进的自动、半自动生产设备,现有钳剪行业先进的高精密冲床(精冲),和深冷处理设备,选用高质量的不锈钢材质, 一声声铿锵的回响,千锤百炼,矢志不移的精心打造,手感好、功能多、品种齐,是钓鱼,野外探险的得力好帮手。
Count on us -- Glee Outdoor Products Co. Ltd -- for your volume needs, just as buyers in the US and Europe have been doing for over 27 years. Thanks to our 220 workers and advanced production lines in our 23,000m2factory, we can turn out 3 million multi-tool pliers, fillet knives, fishing pliers, frozen meat saws and a series of hardware, plastic and promotion products monthly.
In addition to high volume, you'll benefit from our 27-year experience. Since 1983, we have been specializing in fishing and ping products, as well as promotional items. Each year, we invest 20 percent of annual income in R&D. With a mold workshop, our six R&D technicians creates eight new models each month to update your product lineup. A new sample can be finished in only 15 days.
To learn more about our products and services, contact us today.
Add:No.2 Jurong xi road,shixing zhong road,Yangdong county,
Yangjiang city, Guangdong Province,529931 P.R China