1.智能断章,多角度看书 2. 7寸全触摸 3.720P全格式,全码流码率高清播放 4. 纳米级响应速度,无需翻页等待 5. 支持PDF、FB2、EPUB、PDB、MOBI、HTML、XML、TXT、LCR等电子书格式 6. MP3,电子词典等功能, 7. 2400mAH电池,支持TF卡,最大支持16GB
8. 支持多国语言,适合外贸单和礼品单
1. the intelligence breaks the chapter, the multiple perspectives reads
2. 7 inches entire touching
3.720P entire form, entire symbol stream code rate Gao Qing broadcasts, TV-OUT.
4. The nanometer level speed of response, does not need to turn the page waiting
5. Supports electronic armrest types and so on PDF, FB2, EPUB, PDB, MOBI, HTML, XML, TXT, LCR
6. MP3,Dictionary and so on functions
7. the 2200mAH battery, supports the TF card, supports 16GB most greatly
8. Supports the multi-country language, suits the foreign trade list and the present list