风力电缆 Wind Power Cable 1 风力发电机用乙丙橡胶绝缘电力电缆 Ethylene propylene rubber Insulated Power cable for Aerogenerator 用途:本产品适用于风力发电机用供输配电能之用 Application: This product is applied to the power supply for Aerogenerator 2 风力发电机用乙丙橡胶绝缘控制电缆 Ethylene propylene rubber Insulated Control cable for Aerogenerator 用途:本产品适用于风力发电机控制、监控回路及保护线路 Application: This product is applied to control、monitor and protect the line. 3 执行标准:Q/JL101.031-2008 Standard: Q/JL101.031-2008 4 电缆的型号、名称和适用范围 Cable Type、Name and Application 型号 Type | 名称 Name | 适用范围 Application | FEF | 铜芯乙丙绝缘氯丁护套风力发电用电力电缆 Copper conductor EPR Insulated neoprene Sheathed Power Cable for Aerogenerator | 敷设在风力发电机固定或移动场所,电缆不能承受机械外力 For laying in Aerogenerator fixed or moved area, unable to bear external mechanical forces | FKEF | 铜芯乙丙绝缘氯丁护套风力发电用控制电缆 Copper conductor EPR Insulated neoprene Sheathed Control Cable for Aerogenerator |
5 电缆的规格 Specification 型号 Type | 芯数 Cores | 额定电压 Rated Voltage | 0.6/1kV | 450/750V | 标称截面 mm2 Nominal Cross Section | FEF | 1-6 | 0.75-630 | | FKEF | 2-61 | | 0.75-10 |