0.6/1kV聚氯乙烯绝缘(辐照交联聚乙烯绝缘)电力电缆(含阻燃、耐火) 0.6/1kV PVC Insulated (Radiant XLPE Insulated) Power Cables (Including flame retardant and fire resistant type) 1.1 执行标准 Standard: 1.1.1 0.6/1kV聚氯乙烯绝缘电力电缆执行GB/T12706.1-2002标准 0.6/1kV PVC Insulated Power Cables conform to the Standard GB/T12706.1-2002 1.1.2 0.6/1kV辐照交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆执行GB/T12706.1-2002标准 0.6/1kV Radiant XLPE Insulated Power Cables conform to the Standard GB/T12706.1-2002 1.1.3 0.6/1kV聚氯乙烯绝缘(辐照交联聚乙烯绝缘)阻燃电力电缆执行GB/T12706.1-2002及Q/JL101.017-2008标准 0.6/1kV PVC Insulated (Radiant XLPE Insulated) Flame-retardant Power Cables conform to the Standard GB/T12706.1-2002 Q/JL101.017-2008 1.1.4 0.6/1kV聚氯乙烯绝缘(辐照交联聚乙烯绝缘)耐火电力电缆执行GB/T12706.1-2002及Q/JL101.017-2008标准 0.6/1kV PVC Insulated (Radiant XLPE Insulated) Fire-resisting Power Cables conform to the Standard GB/T12706.1-2002 Q/JL101.017-2008 1.2 电缆的型号、名称和适用范围 Type, Name and Application
Type 型号 | Name 名称 | Application 适用范围 | VV,VLV(ZR-,NH-) VY,VLY(ZR-,NH-) | 聚氯乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯/聚乙烯护套电力电缆 PVC Insulated PVC/PE sheathed Power Cable | 敷设在室内、隧道及电缆沟内,电缆不能承受机械外力 For laying indoors, in tunnels and cable ditch, unable to bear external mechanical forces | VV22,VLV22(ZR-,NH-) VV23,VLV23(ZR-,NH-) | 聚氯乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯/聚乙烯护套电力电缆 PVC Insulated Steel tape armored PVC/PE sheathed Power Cable | 敷设在室内、隧道内直埋土壤,电缆能承受机械外力作用 For laying indoors, in tunnels and direct in ground , able to bear external mechanical forces | VV32,VLV32(ZR-,NH-) VV33,VLV33(ZR-,NH-) VV42,VLV42(ZR-,NH-) VV43,VLV43(ZR-,NH-) | 聚氯乙烯绝缘钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯/聚乙烯护套电力电缆 PVC Insulated Steel wire armored PVC/PE sheathed Power Cable | 敷设在高落差地区,电缆能承受机械外力作用及相当的拉力 For laying high drop area, able to bear external mechanical forces and certain tension | YJV,YJLV(ZR-,NH-) YJY,YJLY(ZR-,NH-) | 辐照交联聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯/聚乙烯护套电力电缆 Radiant XLPE Insulated PVC/PE sheathed Power Cable | 敷设在室内、隧道及电缆沟内,电缆不能承受机械外力 For laying indoors, in tunnels and cable ditch, unable to bear external mechanical forces | YJV22,YJLV22(ZR-,NH-) YJV23,YJLV23(ZR-,NH-) | 辐照交联聚乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯/聚乙烯护套电力电缆 Radiant XLPE Insulated Steel tape armored PVC/PE sheathed Power Cable | 敷设在室内、隧道内直埋土壤,电缆能承受机械外力作用 For laying indoors, in tunnels and direct in ground , able to bear external mechanical forces | YJV32,YJLV32(ZR-,NH-) YJV33,YJLV33(ZR-,NH-) YJV42,YJLV42(ZR-,NH-) YJV43,YJLV43(ZR-,NH-) | 辐照交联聚乙烯绝缘钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯/聚乙烯护套电力电缆 Radiant XLPE Insulated Steel wire armored PVC/PE sheathed Power Cable | 敷设在高落差地区,电缆能承受机械外力作用及相当的拉力 For laying high drop area, able to bear external mechanical forces and certain tension |
1.3 电缆的规格 Specifications:
型号 Type | 芯数 Cores | 标称截面 mm2 Nominal Cross Section | VV,VLV(ZR-,NH-) VY,VLY(ZR-,NH-) | 1,2,3,3+1,4, 4+1,3+2,5 | 1.5-630 | YJV,YJLV(ZR-,NH-) YJY,YJLY(ZR-,NH-) | VV22,VLV22(ZR-,NH-) VV23,VLV23(ZR-,NH-) | 1,2 | 2.5-630 | YJV22,YJLV22(ZR-,NH-) YJV23,YJLV23(ZR-,NH-) | VV22,VLV22(ZR-,NH-) VV23,VLV23(ZR-,NH-) | 3,3+1,4, 4+1,3+2,5 | 4-630 | YJV22,YJLV22(ZR-,NH-) YJV23,YJLV23(ZR-,NH-) | VV32,VLV32(ZR-,NH-) VV33,VLV33(ZR-,NH-) VV42,VLV42(ZR-,NH-) VV43,VLV43(ZR-,NH-) | 1,2,3,3+1,4, 4+1,3+2,5 | 25-630 | YJV32,YJLV32(ZR-,NH-) YJV33,YJLV33(ZR-,NH-) YJV42,YJLV42(ZR-,NH-) YJV43,YJLV43(ZR-,NH-) |