产品名称: | 曲丝平型刷 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
产品型号: | QH14 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
焊接前金属表面预处理,除锈及表面油漆、涂料、打磨、焊缝、去险焊渣、打磨毛刺、清洁船体、罐、槽等金属喷漆表面处理等。 1、钢丝 2、镀铜丝 3、不锈钢丝 4、黄铜丝
Applying of industrial brushes
1:Industrial brushes used in the surface- treatment of metal, mainly aspects as below:
(1) Rough machining of surface(polish, pull rough, rust clearance)
(2) Clear of surface (dirt reduce, oil relieve)
(3) Finishing of surface(Mill, gloss marking ,polish)
2:Selection for applying of industrial brushes
First of all, the choice of industrial brushes would be according with the performance of the material which will be done, e.g: smooth finish and hardness of material, etc…selecting suitable steel wire of brushes; choosing correct shape of brushes according to the different condition; to calculate the specification and rounds of the brushes basis on technological process Normally, same diameter of the wire, the more short ,the mill force is more strong, the more long, the more less, and diameter of whole brushes(around one) more bigger, and result is much better..
3 :The solution of using brushes if the effective is not very satisfied.
(1):: If the effective of using of brushes is too weak
——Choosing a bigger diameter on or rising the speed of brushes(no more than Max. speed)
——Reducing the length of wire,
——Selected a bigger wire brushes。
(2): If the effective of using of brushes is too strong:
——Choosing a smaller diameter on or reduce the speed of brushes.
——To longer the length of wire,
——Selected a smaller wire brushes。
(3) :Surface is to rough
——Choosing a bigger diameter on or rising the speed of brushes(no more than Max. speed)
——Reducing the length of wire,
——Selected a bigger wire brushes。
(4): Surface is to gloss
——Choosing a smaller diameter on or reduce the speed of brushes.
——To longer the length of wire,
——Selected a smaller wire brushes。
1.When you use the steel or copper serial brushes, it must be under the max speed of the indicated rounds。
2. Selected machine ,same rounds as brushnes.
3. During your operation, please wear the protecting glasses
(1) 表面粗加工处理(打磨,拉毛,除锈)
(2) 表面清洁处理(去污,除油)
(3) 表面精整处理(研磨,去毛剌,抛光)
3 .刷子使用未达到预期效果的处理办法:
(1) 刷效过弱:
(2) 刷效过强:
(3) 表面过于粗糙:
(4) 表面过于光滑
2. 要选用与刷子相同转速的工具。
3. 在使用时,一定要带防护眼镜。
我公司拥有雄厚的技术力量,整套精良的烧烤炉和烧烤用具的生产设备以及专业的研发设计技术团队。产品以其新颖的设计,精良的制作,高雅的品位,远销美国, 日本,韩国, 俄罗斯, 欧洲, 美洲等50多个国家和地区, 受到各方客户青睐。
本公司始终以坚守质量第一, 信誉至上的企业宗旨, 遵守诚信,互利, 创新, 优质的经营理念, 发扬诚实守信, 敬业奉贤的企业精神, 在社会各界一如既往的鼎立互助下, 让永康前杭冲压五金翱翔寰宇, 广交五洲朋友.