牌号 Type | 粘度 Viscosity Pa.s | 胶凝时间 Gel
Time min | 固体含量 Solid
Content % | 特性与用途 Performance &
Applications | H-1 | 0.21-0.39 | 4-7 | 57-64 | 邻苯型工艺品树脂,预促进,收缩小,温峰低,白度高,韧性好。适用于树脂工艺品。 Orthophthalic
artware product, pre-promoted, small shrinkage, low peak of exotherm
temperature, high whiteness, good toughness, suitable for artware. | H-2 | 0.50-0.65 | 3-6 | 63-68 | 邻苯型水晶透明树脂,已含有少量促进剂,色泽浅,产品透明性、韧性和颜色稳定性好。适用于各种透明工艺产品。 Orthophthalic
crystal transparent resin with less promoter, light color, good transparency,
toughness and color stability, suitable for all kinds of transparent
artware. | H-3 | 0.35-0.45 | 4-6 | 61-67 | 邻苯型水晶透明树脂,不含促进剂,色泽浅,产品透明性、韧性和颜色稳定性好。适用于各种透明工艺产品。 Orthophthalic
crystal transparent resin without promoter, light color, good transparency,
toughness and color stability, suitable for all kinds of transparent
artware. | H-4 | 0.9-1.3 | 5-10 | 65-71 | 邻苯型纽扣树脂。色泽浅,操作性好,具有优异的强度和韧性,收缩率低,产品颜色鲜艳,耐黄变。适用于树脂纽扣等。 Orthophthalic
button resin, light color, good workability, excellent strength and toughness,
lower shrinkage , anti-yellowing, suitable for buttons. | H-5 | 0.35-0.65 | 18-30 | 68-74 | DCPD型保龄球树脂,温峰低,收缩小,强度高,韧性好。适用于保龄球球胆。 DCPD type bowling
resin, lower peak of exotherm temperature, small shrinkage, high strength, good
toughness, suitable for bladder of bowling. | H-6 | 2.3-3.0 | 4-7 | 75-81 | 邻苯型保龄球树脂,温峰低,固化平稳,不易开裂,强度高,韧性好,硬度适中,耐候性好。适用于保龄球球皮。 Orthophthalic
bowling resin, lower peak of exotherm temperature, stable curing, hard cracking,
high strength, medium hardness, good weathering, suitable for skin of
bowling. |