型号:S496B品牌/商标:honeywell 批号:11 封装:3-pin sip商品简介: S496B 霍尔效应传感器主要用于汽车点火器、转速、车速传感器、位置传感、齿轮传感器、ABS防抱死、电磁流量计、电量传感、接近开关、智能水表、煤气表、电表、手机、PDA手持设备、电动车手把调速、断电刹把、计价器、计数器、无刷电机(电动车辆,空调风机、计算机风机用)等……. 线性型传感器适用于测量磁量、电量和非电量.磁测量有高斯计、弱磁场磁强计、霍尔罗盘等.电测量及电磁转换有电流、功率、电磁转矩、频率和相位测量,低电平直流 —交流转换器,无触点电位器等.非电测量有厚度、位移、振动、转速、角度、流量、压力等.此外线性型传感器在通讯、计算机、自动控制等领域也有广泛的应用.
【Part No.】 S496B
【Category】 Linear Hall-Effect Sensor
【Packing】 3-pin SIP
【MFQ】 Honeywell
【Datasheet】S496B DatasheetFeaturesSmall sizeLow power consumptionSingle current sinking or current sourcing outputLinear output for circuit design flexibilityBuilt-in thin-film resistors - laser trimmed for precise sensitivity and temperature compensationRail-to-rail operation provides more useable signal for higher accuracyResponds to either positive or negative gaussQuad Hall sensing element for stable outputPotential ApplicationsCurrent sensingMotor controlPosition sensingMagnetic code readingRotary encoderFerrous metal detectorVibration sensingLiquid level sensingWeight sensing DescriptionThe S490 Series MRL (Miniature Ratiometric Linear) sensors are versatile linear Hall effect devices operated by the magnetic field from a permanent magnet or an electromagnet. The ratiometric output voltage is set by the supply voltage. It varies in proportion to the strength of the magnetic field.The integrated circuitry provides increased temperature stability and sensitivity. Laser trimmed thin film resistors on the chip provide high accuracy (null to ? 3%, sensitivity up to ?3%) and temperature compensation. The positive temperature coefficient of the sensitivity ( 0.02 %/?C typical) compensates for the negative temperature coefficients of low cost magnets.The S490B Series sensors offer cost-effective MRL sensing with slightly wider specifications than the SS490 products. The SS490B has a typical sinking or sourcing output of
1.5 mA continuous, uses seven mA of supply current at
5.0 volts at 25?C, for predictable performance over the full temperature range. SS490B Series sensors have wider null and sensitivity tolerances and a wider drift over temperature. NOTE:Products ordered in bulk packaging (plastic bags) may not have perfectly straight leads as a result of normal handling and shipping operations. Please order tape packaging option for applications with critical lead straightness requirements.Product SpecificationsProduct TypeMiniature Hall-Effect Linear Position Sensor ICPackage Quantity/TypeAvailable in 1,000/BagPackage TypeRadial Lead ICSupply Voltage4.5 Vdc to 10.5 VdcOutput TypeSink/SourceTermination TypePC BoardMagnetic Actuation TypeRatiometricOperating Temperature-40 °C to 150 °C [-40 °F to 302 °F]Storage Temperature-55 °C to 165 °C [-67 °F to 329 °F]Output Voltage0.2 Vdc to (Vs- 0.2 Vdc) typ., 0.4 Vdc to (Vs- 0.4 Vdc) min.Linearity (% of Span)-1.0% typ.Output Voltage Span (min.)0.4 Vdc to (Vs- 0.4 Vdc)AvailabilityGlobalSupply Current8.7 mA @ 5 VdcSensitivity2.500 mV ± 0.200 mV/GOutput Voltage Swing (Negative G)0.4 VdcOutput Voltage Swing (Positive G)Vs- 0.4 VdcTemperature_Error_25_Null_Shift_2 ± 0.064Temperature_Error_25 Sensitivity_1-0.02 min., 0.08 max.Output_Current_Typical_Source_451.5 mAOutput_Current_Minimum_Source_451 mAOutput_Current_Minimum_Sink_450.6 mAOutput_Current_Minimum_Sink_51 mAMagnetic Range (typ.)-84 mT to 84 mT [-840 G to 840 G]Magnetic Range (min.)-75 mT to 75 mT [-750 G to 750 G]Output Voltage Span (typ.)0.2 Vdc to (Vs- 0.2 Vdc)Null Output2.50 Vdc ± 0.150 VdcResponse Time3 µsSeries NameSS490