Enviro Gold #817清洗剂的详细描述:
Neutralizer and De-fluxing Cleaner (Super Concentrate) EnviroSense's product Enviro Gold #817 is an organic aqueous chemistry. The product provides an alternative to CFC's and other types of solvents currently being used in various cleaning tasks. Enviro Gold is designed to remove RMA/RA, WS/OA paste/flux residues and to reduce or eliminate other common ionic and non-ionic contaminants. The #817 not only cleans Printed Circuit Boards, it is an excellent stencil cleaner and product for removing process residues in precision metal cleaning. The Enviro Gold chemistry utilizes a new generation of surfactants that allows it to meet circuit assembly or precision metal cleaning challenges. Enviro Gold is environmentally sound, user friendly and satisfies workplace safety issues while still producing a desired level of cleaning. USE DIRECTIONS (BATCH): This aqueous based formula is in a highly concentrated form. Depending upon the application requirements, Enviro * Gold is designed to be mixed with de-ionized water at a 9 to 1 dilution ratio (10%) at a temperature of 145°Ffor the removal of RA/RMA or LS/No-Clean flux residues. For WS/OA and HASL (PCB) flux use at 3 to 5% of chemistry, by volume, at140°Fto150°F. These suggested dilution ratios may vary due to soldering profiles, rosin content of flux and residue/contaminant removal requirements. A "Bench Test" is recommended to determine proper dilution, temperature, dwell and material compatibility. For Post HASL cleaning; PCB panel should be in contact with the #817 chemistry for a minimum of 20 seconds. USE DIRECTIONS (ULTRASONIC): For removal of RA/RMA's we suggest testing begin at120°F, with a dilution ratio of 1 part "Enviro * Gold" to 14 parts de-ionized water (approx: 7%) ; 5 minute wash cycle. USE DIRECTIONS (BATCH/INLINE): For removal of RA/RMA's we suggest testing begin at145°F, with a dilution ratio of 1 part "Enviro * Gold" to 12 parts de-ionized water (approx. 8%); 1 minute to 5 minute wash dwell. If cooler than140°Fhigher concentrations may be necessary. Some of the Enviro Gold #817's key characteristics are: Alkaline, water based cleaner and neutralizer for dissolving fluxes and cleaning other board or assembly contaminants. Moderate pH to inhibit solder joints from dulling. Is non-corrosive and ships no-regulated. Flash point: none to boiling at suggested operating concentrations. Designed for use at lower temperatures to minimize operating costs and maximize safety. Made without, nor contains any phosphates, ozone depleting chemicals, ethylene glycol ethers or heavy metal chelators like 'E.D.T.A.', and citrate. All compounds in this chemistry are biodegradable in the P.O.T.W. Base compound (MEA) is on the U.S.E.P.A.'s Preferred Alternative List. Excellent de-foaming characteristics, especially in WS/OA cleaning systems. Does not contain isopropyl alcohol. Low Odor. Extremely low Volatile Organic Compounds. Formulated with a surface tension reducing agent and surfactants that allow the product to penetrate under tight geometries to clean and rinse, residue free. Compatible with most process and equipment materials. After proper metal particle filtration and pH adjustment, spent effluent can go to sanitary drain. Can be used in ultrasonic, batch, submersion and inline cleaning systems. Available in either five or fifty-five gallon containers.
Enviro * GOLD #817/18.54A可去除PCBA上各式助焊剂及油脂等污染。如RMA/RA(半水洗)、S/OA (水洗)、NC/LS(免洗)、HASL(Hot Air Solder Leveling)Flux等 ·清洗用于(钢)范本(SolderlStencils)之残留锡膏。 ·清除在印刷电路板上所残留的残余胶带(如Kapton Tape)和指印。l ·去除或整平OSPl皮覆胶之厚度。 ·并且将改进焊接后之氧化的化学反应。l ·清洗波焊炉之设备。l ·可清除有铅及无铅焊锡所遗留l的油脂污染等。 ·清除Misprinted PCBs上的锡膏。l ·促进GoldenlFinger上的光泽度与可靠性。 ·Enviro * GOLD#817 /49.10B可强力去除无铅焊锡之各式助焊剂残留。
EnviroSens#817 特性:
l 水溶性环保清洗剂,清洗电路板上任何化学之残留物。
l 主成份Monoethanolamine(MEA)单乙醇胺/CAS NO: 141-43-5,经过美国EPA环境保护局检验标准,列为建议可采用的环保清洗材料之一(不含任何磷酸及破坏臭氧层化学物、乙烯、乙丁醇、醚或其它类似乙底酸的整合物及柠檬酸盐)符合RoHS标准。
l 所含的化学成份皆为可生物分解。
l 优越的低泡沫特性·非常低的挥发性(Low in V.O.C content )有机化合物
l 简易污水处理:使用过的废水只需将微量金属作适当的过滤及调整PH 值后再将其排放掉,避免环境污染。
l 应用于PCBA上之功能与效果: ·Enviro * GOLD #817/18.54A可去除PCBA上各式助焊剂及油脂等污染。如RMA/RA (半水洗)、S/OA (水洗)、NC/LS(免洗)、HASL(Hot Air Solder Leveling)Flux 等
l 清洗用于(钢)范本(Solder Stencils)之残留锡膏。
l 清除在印刷电路板上所残留的残余胶带(如Kapton Tape)和指印。
l 去除或整平OSP 皮覆胶之厚度。·并且将改进焊接后之氧化的化学反应。·清洗波焊炉之设备。
l 可清除有铅及无铅焊锡所遗留的油脂污染等。
l 清除Misprinted PCBs上的锡膏。
l 促进Golden Finger上的光泽度与可靠性。
l Enviro * GOLD#817 /49.10B 可强力去除无铅焊锡之各式助焊剂残留。