一、性能特点 可完成:塑料管及复合管的灌装及内加热封尾 u 将软管自动压入管模内 u 采用弹性、涨紧式管杯,保证封尾高度一致 u 采用步进驱动管杯旋转的自动对色标系统,可对椭圆等异形管的自动对标u 采用机械传动方式的注料系统,保证了装量的稳定性u 采用原装瑞士LEISTER热风器u 管内壁热风封尾,管外壁冷水循环冷却。保证了封尾效果美观u 通过风机(台湾产),将加热后产生的有害气体排出室外u 封尾后,配备风冷系统,避免热量传导至膏体u PLC全自动控制u 高清可视的不锈钢外框u 易于实现乳化机、灌装机之间的连接u 大小管径之间更换操作简单明了u 灌装封尾打批号一机自动完成u 具有自动上管、自动吹扫内管、自动找标、自动灌装封尾功能u 可进行无级变频调速u 实现生产量自动定量控制u 自动批号打印u 人机界面直观显示及控制u 软管方向倒置自动检测,欧姆龙倒置检测光电管可准确监测倒置软管u 凸轮分度u 具备故障报警、机门打开、机械过载自动停机装置u 注料采用了吹断与切断结合式注料方式保证了高粘度物料的灌装u 可选配立柱式物料自动控温搅拌系统u 具备无管不灌装的精确控制功能二、技术参数软管材料:塑料管、复合管、铝管及铅管灌装范围:5ml-250ml/支(可调)灌装精度:≤±1%灌装速度:20-50支/分软管直径:Φ10-Φ50mm软管长度:220mm(最大长度)电 源:380V/220V(可选)工作气压:0.55-0.65Mpa配套电机:1.1kw热封功率:3.0kw外形尺寸(长×宽×高):2000×950×1900mm机器重量:850kg三、主要电器元件配置清单控制形式:PLC 触摸屏PLC:西门子(SIEMENS)变频器:松下触摸屏:WEINVIEW编码器:欧姆龙(OMRON)温控元件:欧姆龙(OMRON)注料检测光电管:欧姆龙(OMRON)总电源开关等:台湾色标传感器:日本神士热风发生器:日本瑞士主机(1.1KW):台湾1.General introduction: The machine is suitable for full plastic and aluminum laminated plastic tubes.This equipment is widely used in industry of toothpaste, cosmetic, drugs and food etc., it is applicable in various aluminum-plastic-compound-soft-tubes, plastic-soft-tube which fill-pack all kinds of cream, latex, lotion, oil and water etc. Before you use our equipment, read this user manual carefully so that you can make a good use of our products.
This equipment is with high automation, it can automatically fit on tubes, aim the color-marks, fill-pack liquid, seal covers, print business numbers, chop down tails and pick out tubes. It has the function of getting rid of the tubes when the color mark didn’t align correctly .It also picks out those tubes which haven’t been fill-packed. Thus can guarantee the products qualification and eradicate waste. Controlling system PLC is adopted in the controlling section so that it can make the machine work more accurately and steadily. Inner-heating method was adopted in the heating section. It can blow hot-wind to the tube tail-ends inner wall, then print tooth-like-lines and business numbers. Thus, it can guarantee to seal the tube tail-end with a high qualification. It adopts completely stainless steel in the fill-packing section, which can