公司简介 |
广州市白云区鑫隆五金制品厂是由君誉国际家具有限公司投资兴建的。主营酒店宴会系列、铁架床、学生课桌、公共排椅、办公铁艺沙发等产品专业生产加工的私营独资企业。我厂自二零零二年建厂以来,以可信耐的产品质量,优质的售前售后服务赢得了广大客户的青睐及业界的认可。公司总部为君誉国际家具制造,办公室落于广东省广州市白云区。原广州厂部因君誉国际家具制造集团资源整合需要于二零一一年十二月迁址至广东省佛山市顺德良教工业区。厂名由“广州鑫隆五金制品厂”更名为“佛山市鑫钻隆家具厂”。原鑫隆五金制品厂现鑫钻隆家具厂(以下简称鑫钻隆),借由迁址契机,对工厂规模、生产环境进行了一次大的革新;技术层面亦通过生产流水线的数字化、机械化‘以及通过数字质量监控得到了极大的改善。以行业内一流的生产工艺水平,精良造艺的新姿态开启了君誉人的新篇章。 |
宝贝规格 |
规格:450W*520D*930H(mm) 材料:1)20mmx20mm厚度为1.0mm的方型铝管,喷油而经恒温烤干. 2)坐垫和靠背由高密度定型海棉(65kg/m3)再外包布料/皮料; 3)可堆叠包装,方便运输. 4)有多种布料/皮革可供选择,标准有英标UK (BS5852)和美标US (CA117)[选此布料另加防火费用] 5)承受力度300KG,经过国际实验室验证。 包装材料先用发泡袋再用磨仿布最外包编织袋牢固美观且保护产品运输过程中受损. |
宝贝图片 | |
详细说明 |
一、工艺特点: ★铝合金宴会椅:采用25mm*25mm*1.8mm优质铝材弯制而成;表面以高附着力的多彩油漆或喷粉{有多种颜色选择};配以永不变形高密度的PU定型海绵;完美的人体工程学设计;有多种布料选择。 |
其他产品 | |
关于运输 |
1、关于运输方式: 家具属于大件物品,无法通过快递发货,家具运输有其特殊性,只发公路物流,乐从国际家具城是中国最大的家具集散地,物流较为发达,运送网络基本覆盖全国 2、关于运输费用的收取: 家具是轻抛货,按体积计算,产品所报价格均为批发价,不包括运费,所标“0.1元”是由于各地距离不同而差距很大,不能一概而论的情况下所象征性写,运费是依据家具的体积立方数和运输里程为依据计算的,大概运费可咨询店主! 温馨提示:根据以往发货经验,选择到付和工厂预付的运费金额是差不多了,工厂建议您选择到付方式,也可以按照工厂的计算方式,预付给发货部门,最后按照发货部门最后争取到的实际费用计算,客服在您收货后和您确认并如数退还哒,本店不会在运输上赚您一分钱,请您打消此方面顾虑! 3、关于“送货上门”的问题: 物流和快递不同,他们只能送到距离您收货地址最近的货栈,最多就是物流电话通知您提货的时候可以与之协商,让其送货到您的楼下(不是房间里哦),费用大概在30-50不等,据经验,楼上他们是不会答应的(即便是给银子也不给搬),这个也不是工厂发货部和本店主能够控制的,全国各地的物流站点都不会听一个发货方的要求,请各位买家安排好人员,并多多体谅 4、买家在提货前: 先请先检查外包装,如果外包装坏了那必须要求当场拆开包装看。如果货物有损坏请和卖家联系,我们非常愿意为您服务!
Product description
[Wooden fixed] carton inside and wooden box outside, to ensure the safety of transportation
[Environmental standards] meet the standards of Europe and the United States , through the EU environmental certification!
Product ordering
1, The furniture is valuable commodity, also is the large product, please make sure of the size when you order. In addition to, don’t forget the color and details of the furniture.
2, if you move to new house, please proposed order at least 15-20 days, if your area is far in Guangdong and even abroad, while the ordered product without in warehouse, you need order 30 days or more in advance, Please note! Although most our furniture in stock, but the full set of furniture really have no a lot. As by color, hand-painted flower restrictions, so book in advance!
About Transportation
Our furniture are usually shipped through the logistics, buyers can specify a logistics company, if you do not specify the logistics, we will select logistics company which near buyer’s place, different journey length have different transport time. Our logistics costs listed for reference only, the actual cost to the logistics company s is decided by cargo volume, weight and the road distance.
1,Terms of freight payment. terms of freight by the buyer’s choice,
3, transport costs. Shop our logistics costs listed for reference only. In addition, we will give you your estimated shipping costs before payment.
4, place of delivery. General cargo is delivered to the local logistics point; if you requested home delivery, can tell us in advance, we should make sure of everything during our communication.
5, logistics sign. You can receive the goods as the product packaging is well; if packaging damage, may check the damaged parts, if not damaged goods, you can receive; if seized goods are damaged, please contact us immediately and we co-processing; If the packaging not damaged, bring home the products have problem, ex. a small amount of Paint Falling off, etc. are normal, you contact us directly confirmed, we will give you a replacement paint, usually can be resolved, if the furniture of some part are badly damaged, we will give you additional documents.
After sales service
Note: after the arrival of furniture, please keep the packaging three to five days, as if you want to return, then must use the wooden packing again, but have to return if thrown away, then you should pay the cost of the wooden frame. best wishes for you |