产品简介 公司生产的 沪邦 牌轻质节能复合墙板是以薄型纤维水泥硅酸钙板为两面板,中间填充轻质芯材一次复合而成的非承重板材。产品具有实心、轻质、薄体、高强度、抗冲击、吊挂力强、隔热、隔音、防火、防水、易切割、自重小、隔声和隔热等特性,主要用作建筑物的分户墙、内隔墙与外墙、消防隔墙等,可有效减少墙体占用面积、提高住宅实用率、减轻结构负荷、提高建筑物抗震能力及安全性能,降低综合造价,是传统实心粘土砖的最佳替代品。产品可以任意开槽、干作业、无须批档等优势,有力地推动了建筑业从落后的湿法施工向先进的干法施工迈进,实现了住宅部件生产工业化、技术装备现代化、规模生产集约化、应用推广法制化和施工装备一体化。本产品生产技术的引进及应用,是我国墙体材料改革的一项新突破,技术水平居国内外领先水平,国际先进水平。
The Company produces the Hubang brand of non-load-bearing, lightweight, energy-saving composite wall panel consisting of a lightweight core material sandwiched between two surface layers of thin fibre-cement or calcium silicate. The product has a myriad of advantages unmatched by other wall panel materials. These include being solid, lightweight, thin, having high strength, impact resistance, high hanging strength, thermal insulation, sound insulation, fireproofing, waterproofing, and ease of cutting.It is mainly used as separation walls, internal partition walls, external walls or fireproof walls in buildings. It effectively reduces the area occupied by wall structures and thus improves the residential use ratio, reduces structural loads, enhances seismic capability and safety of buildings, and reduces construction cost. It is the best substitute for traditional clay bricks. The product has the characteristics of a convenient construction material that can be slotted easily, deployed in dry process construction, and with no need for plastering. It effectively promotes the progression of the construction industry from the out-of-date wet-process construction to the more advanced dry-process construction. It realises the industrialisation of production of residential building components, modernisation of technologies and equipment, intensification of mass production, legalisation of promotion for its use, and integration of construction processes with equipment. The introduction and application of the production technology for this product constitute a breakthrough in the reformation on wall building materials in China. Having attained an advanced international standard, the product represents a leading technology both domestically and internationally.