3TYIJ双钢轮振动压路机3TYIJ Double drum vibratory roller 主要特点MAIN FEATURES:
▲ 转场速度快,高档人性化豪华座椅和高档组合仪表盘操纵。配置遮阳镜以减少司机操作疲劳。
▲ 维修成本低,性能安全可靠,配置振动计时仪,对工作绩效更好的控制。
▲High speed travelling, high-grade luxury humanized seats, manipulation of top-grade portfolio dashboard, configuration of sun glasses, to reduce the degree of driver’s fatigue operation.
▲Low maintenance costs, safe and reliable performance. Configuration of vibration instrument, better control on the job performance.
▲Adopt beautiful FRP Housing, better to extend the service life. Housing-conditions also ensure that the corrosion resistance and the color permanence.
▲Mechanical travel drive, hydraulic vibration and steering with optimal function/price ratio and reliable performance;
▲Both front and rear wheels have scraping and water spray unit,
▲Adopt N385Q diesel engine , with powerful strength, convenient maintenance and low cost.
▲The whole machine has a nice shape, compact structure and small size; it can do rolling work in narrow ground;主要技术参数MAIN TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION型号MODEL 3TYIJ工作质量Operating massKg3000静线载荷(前轮∕后轮)Static linear loadN/cm147/185振动频率Vibrating frequencyHz50激振力Centrifugal forcekN30最高行走速度Travel speedkm/h6.9爬坡能力Grade ability%20最小转弯半径Turning radiusmm2300外形尺寸(长X宽X高)Overall dimensionmm2800X1120X2330振动轮宽度Vibration round widthmm900轴距Wheelbasemm1980柴油机型号Diesel model ZN385Q燃油机功率Diesel powerkW21
★注: 因产品不断改进,内容说明如有变动,恕不另行通知,请谅。
Since the product is improved continuously. The specification and instruction are subject to change without separate notice. 我公司长期经销洛阳压路机配件及整机,拥有一拖路通、洛建、建工、东方红等诸多品牌全部系列的原厂配件,价格合理,服务周到。
公司主营一拖洛阳压路机及其原厂配件,产品齐全 原厂品质 价格合理。
产品及业务:洛阳压路机各种配件,离合器、变速箱、马达、轴承、螺丝、液压件、垫圈。单轮、双轮、三轮;震动、静碾;机械式、液压式压路机。上柴D6114柴油机、玉柴6108、常柴CF186F/ZN385、康明斯4BT3.9/6BT5.9,东方红发动机、康明斯发动机等发动机配件的销售. 公司本着 客户第一 质量过硬 锐意进取 的经营理念,我公司业务现已覆盖全国16个省市自治区。为了客户的利益,我公司提供压路机配件批发、压路机整机销售、压路机维修及租赁等业务。
联系人:侯伟伟 电话:0379-65261933 手机:13526980351 QQ:1010468717邮箱:david@lymyjx.com