调度绞车主要用于煤矿井下和其他矿山在倾角度小于30度的巷道中拖运矿车及其它辅助搬运工作,矿用调度绞车也可用于回采工作面和掘进工作面装载站上调度编组矿车。 调度绞车均用行星齿轮传动,绞车具有结构紧凑、刚性好、效率高、安装移动方便、起动平稳、操作灵活、制动可靠、噪音低等特点。调度绞车的电气设备具有防爆性能,可用于有煤尘及瓦斯的矿井。
型号 电机 卷筒 容绳量 负荷 钢丝绳 外层钢丝绳 重量
功率(KW)直径(mm)宽度(mm)长度(m) 牵引(KN)直径(mm)速度(m/s) kg
JD-0.3 3 220 260 ≥140 3 9 ≥0.7 233
JD-0.5 5.5 200 300 ≥150 5 9 ≥0.7 388
JD-1 11.4 230 303 ≥400 10 12 ≥1.0 594
JD-1.6 25 310 400 ≥400 16 16 ≥1.2 1600
JD-2.5 40 450 560 ≥400 25 20 ≥1.25 3800
JD-4 55 580 600 ≥650 40 22 ≥1.25 5380
Scheduling winch is mainly used in coal mine underground and other mine in the dip Angle of less than 30 degrees in roadway haulage car and other auxiliary handling work, mining scheduling winch can also be used to stope and heading face of loading on scheduling braided harvesters. JD type scheduling winch are made of the planetary gear transmission, winch has compact structure, good rigidity, high efficiency, installation convenient to move, starting smoothly, flexible operation, braking and reliable, low noise characteristics. Winch electrical equipment has explosion-proof performance, can be used to have dust and gas mine.